Arctic News

The Arctic is hotting up in more ways than one:

Not photoshopped or AI generated (I believe):

Arctic Alaska has a lot of later than usual ice along the shore.

Maybe we are heading for the next ice age?

More likely, it’s just northerly winds bringing offshore ice south to the shore

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Meantime one of the coldest Junes that i remember is coming to an end. Not compared to Philipines of course. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wide ranging discussion on all things Arctic (mainly security and political):

Interesting photo:

Gilkey Glacier, Juneau Icefield: as the glaciers thin, more bare rock is shown, and less heat is reflected back into space. (Bethan Davies photo)


Heat wave, Svalbard style:

PS> No A/C required.

Pretty warm in Gudvangen, need to keep all windows open despite the annoying as hell Italian woman next door who has no concept of the “inside voice.” She has not shut up for over 2 hours. I’m guessing her husband has learned to tune it out, otherwise he’d have killed her long ago.

Some Italian husbands just become deaf after some years… to prevent a stage in prison.

Not only Italian have than problem, I believe.
(No not me thanks heaven)

Have you visited the White Caves in Gudvangen?
If so, your opinion please.

Being the Governor in Svalbarg is a life in luxury:

The Governor’s cabin at Gravneset, Magdalenefjorden, is one of the northernmost buildings in the world. Photo: Thomas Nilsen

Struck me as unadulterated tourist pandering, so no. Spent what was supposed to be an easy paddle in the Nærøyfjord but turned out to be stressful battle with frequent 20 knot winds. If I wanted to be that gripped and on constant alert paddling I’d have gone to Voss for whitewater. Will stop enroute to Bergen to look at money drop falls, pretty well known in whitewater circles. Way beyond my skills in my current dotage, and even when younger, by the time I got the skills to do it, I had also gained the wisdom not to.

Money drop falls:

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I presume you didn’t come to Norway for the sun. sand and cheap booze? :slightly_smiling_face:
If you want nice sunny weather you should have been up north ::

Source: Nå kommer regnet: – Det blir vått, ja

PS> Contrary to popular belief it doesn’t ALWAYS rain in Bergen. You could be luckier than Bruce Springsteen:

RAIN: Bruce Springsteen declared that it was very nice to be in Bergen, when he went on stage in pouring rain. PHOTO: AGNIESZKA IWANSKA / NRK