Apprentice Mate Steersman

Hi all<br><br>I’m new to this forum, and the industry as well. I hope that you don’t mind if this question has been asked previously; I did a search for “[B][I]Apprentice Mate Steersman[/I][/B]” and didn’t come up with anything.<br><br>I work on tow boats up here in Alaska, and now have just enough time to go to the Apprentice Mate course. I’ll be attending a class in the fall. After I receive the license, and do another 360 days on a tow vessel, get the TOAR signed off, turn everything in to the USCG, what will the tonnage be? Does the license restrict one to 200 tons? I work on a 336 GRT boat; could I sail under the Mate of Towing license on that? I have precious little about tonnage and the Apprentice Mate license.<br><br>Many thanks…<br><br>Tim

This should get you started:<br><br>The towing licenses apply to uninspected towing vessels up to 200 GRT. To serve on a towing vessel over 200 GRT, you’ll need to get two licenses, a Mate 500 ton (inland, Near Coastal, Oceans, whatever you qualify for) and also the towing licenses. <br><br>Does the phrase USCG NVIC 04-01 sound familiar? This is the document in which the coast guard outlines all the requirements for towing licenses. You need to get a copy and get very familiar with it Click <a title=“NVIC 04-01” target="_blank" href=“]here to download it. There are six additional enclosures that accompany this document. Click <a style=“font-family: yui-tmp;” title=“NVIC page” target=”_blank" href=“]here then scroll the page until you find 04-01 and you’ll be able to download each enclosure.<br><br>These are in .pdf format, you’ll need <a title=“Adobe Reader download” target=”_blank" href=“]Adobe Reader to view it. <br><br>Here are a couple of pertinent snippets from the NVIC:<br><br>“Seagoing towing vessels of at least 200 GRT must be operated by
mariners licensed as masters and mates of inspected, self-propelled
vessels with the appropriate endorsements for towing vessels, tonnages,
and routes [46 CFR part 15, subpart D].”<br><br>“After May 21, 2006, towing vessels must be under the direction and control of the following:<br>(a) An officer holding a license as master of towing vessels, or master of inspected self-propelled vessel greater than 200 GRT holding a completed TOAR.<br>(b) An officer holding a license as mate (pilot) of towing vessels, or a mate of inspected self-propelled vessels, greater than 200 GRT, holding a completed TOAR, if the vessel requires a second licensed officer.<br>n. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW).<br>(1) All officers on seagoing towing vessels must satisfy STCW.<br>(2) Specific information on STCW is available in other Circulars about it or from the local REC and also on the Coast Guard Web Site at:<br><a target=”_blank” href=“]”<br><br>There is a flow chart on page 12 of NVIC 04-01 that describes eligibility for towing licenses.<br><br>If you <strong>really </strong>want to dig deep into the process of licensing, here is some good bedtime reading for you, the <a title=“USCG MSM” target="_blank" href="]USCG Marine Safety Manual. This is what they use to figure out how to make life more interesting for you when you apply for stuff.<br><br>Enough for now, if you have more questions ask away!! Good luck to you.<br><br>Doug

Doug<br><br>Excellent info. Thanks for that. I’m downloading it as I write this. We’re heading downriver in a few hours, this’ll be good fodder for conversation amongst the crew. We return in a week or so, I’ll get back on here and pester you all with more questions after we go through all of this.<br><br>Thanks again…<br><br>Tim

Mate or Master of Towing Vessels is valid on towing vessels up to 300 GRT. Note that this is not an “STCW license” and thgus cannot be used on voyages to other countries, except Canada (by specific agreement between US and Canada). If you operate on a vessel that will need STCW, you’ll need to have a license for 500 GRT or higher, and meet all applicable STCW requirements.<br><br><font color=#111111>James D. Cavo<br>Chief, Mariner Training & Assessment Division (NMC-2)<br>USCG National Maritime Center<br></font><A href="]<font color=#3354aa></font></A>

James thanks for the correction on tonnage.<br><br>D

Hi all<br><br>Much thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. As promised, I would be back to ask a few more. <br><br>I downloaded and printed this thread, and took it on our most recent trip. It generated some interesting discussion amongst the crew. I think I may know what the answers to these questions will be, but, I’ve promised a couple of the guys that I would ask them.<br><br>We have a guy who’s a hardworking, motivated Tankerman. He has an OS, and last spring fall took the Apprentice Mate course. He has the Steersman license, and will have enought time at the end of this season to receive his Mate of Towing. Up until now, he thought that there were no tonnage restirctions on the license. We work on an uninspected 336 GRT tow boat on inland waters. He’s done all his time on her, and has had his TOAR signed off whilst working on her. Would it be the case that once he receives his Mate of Towing, that he could not work with that License on our vessel, even though its essentially the only boat he’s worked on? He’s still holding out hope that because he’s had his TOAR signed off on it, that he would be able to work on her. He’s also hoping that because she’s uninspected, that somehow there might be leniancy. Any hope here? It seems to me that he needs to either a) work on a smaller vessel or b) do the work to get a 500 ton Mate license.<br><br>Thanks again, guys…<br><br>Tim

Since you’re talking about Inland, you don’t need to worry about STCW, and that opens up another possibility – he should be eligible for Mate 500 GRT Inland. The total sea ser5vice going from deckhand to Mate 500 GRT Inland is actually LESS than the service needed to go to Steersman and then Mate of Towing Vessels. This and his TOAR will let him work on towing vessels inland up to 500 GRT.<br><br>There is a down side. He’ll need to take a license exam for Mate 500 GRT Inland, and take basic and advanced fire fighting courses.<br><br>James D. Cavo<br>Chief, Mariner Training & Assessment Division<br>USCG National Maritime Center<br>[<font color="#3354aa]</font>](

Mr. Cavo will be the best to answer this, but I think he could get his Mate 500 Inland, if you never cross the demarcation line. He won’t need any of the STCW stuff I don’t think. Add the Mate of Towing on top of that.

Jim why in the hell are you working on Labor Day?

actually for inland,western rivers,great lakes the license for new issues will be no tonnage restrictions UP TO Near coastal routes. On near coastal routes u would be limited to tonnage based upon your training as steersman.There are hundreds if not thousands of mariners with mate or master of towing running towboats over 5oo tons on inland waters/western rivers. I am one of them.

I believe that all of Western Alaska, even the rivers, are outside the demarcation line. I know that Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet are “coastal” routes but I believe everything out there is.