I work in the towing industry and I am looking for a change. I have always been interested in dredge jobs on hoppers and I heard that most are European Flag and they pay good and take American mariners. Does anyone know the process on how to get on with these companies and the taxes that we pay for working in offshore in other countries?
Shouldn’t be too hard getting on with Manson Construction, seeing how three people quit for supply boats this week including myself. Mates and Engineers are needed right now. Contact info is on their website mansonconstruction.com/careers
There are 12 private industry US flag hopper dredges and 4 US Army Corps of Engineers hopper dredges. Most are around 30 years old and have rather antiquated technology compared to many of the European hopper dredging companies. With regards to the US flag dredges all but one require unlimited tonnage/horsepower credentials for officers. Don’t know what kind of position you currently hold or are looking for. I don’t think that many US mariners work on foreign flag hopper dredges but I could be incorrect.
Cashman needs people once in a while for the atchafalaya, assuming they still have it…but i know there was union involved on and off since they got it. its limited tonnage too.
[QUOTE=z-drive;125787]Cashman needs people once in a while for the atchafalaya, assuming they still have it…but i know there was union involved on and off since they got it. its limited tonnage too.[/QUOTE]
They were looking last week. MMP is the union. Job is in Miami
SIU has the GLDD hopper dredges
try mass maritimes jobshopper.some time ago their was an openining on the columbia which is owned by dutra group.mmp i believe.very old stuff.could be interesting.
Cashman occasionally needs people for the Atchafalaya. Beach restoration job in Bal Harbour, FL. they also have beachside personnel. Not sure what their needs are. Yes they advertise on the Mass Maritime website. there is a tug involved also which might be needing a Captain or Mate. Dutra has the Colombia. Not sure if they need anyone. They do advertize on Mass Marritime’s website as well. Weeks Marine is appently in negotiations with MMP. That would leave Manson the only big dredge company out of the MMP fold.
im told dutra also has stuyvesant which is nonunion
For some reason they were looking for 1,600 license people @dutra the last time. I thought it was all unlimited there.
For the hoppers it should be. Stuyvesant definitely is and Columbia is 3081 ITC according to ABS Record. Maybe they were looking for the few tugs they have.
Manson is looking for a third engineer and unlimited mates, not sure if your looking for deck or engine?
I hold a AB limited and a oiler with RFPEW and RFPNW with mostly tug and barge experience just looking for a change and a Schedule if they are out the Union or Non Union it don’t matter.
With those endorsements you would be able to sail on any of the US Flag hopper dredges private industry or USACE. With regards to union/non-union I would avoid the SIU if possible. Your tug and barge experience would probably carry over well to hoppers. Much different type of work than deep sea. More like other work boats (tugs, OSV, etc).