Hopper dredge accommodations

Was offered a job recently on TSHD. I’m just curious about the living conditions and accomodations for an unlicensed engineer on the Weeks and Manson hopper dredges, specifically the newer builds. I’m not worried about the work. I understand the work is dirty and difficult which is no problem. I’ve heard the accommodations are rough but would like more first hand info.

I’m sure they are decent , depends on how good you’re gonna clean it up when you get there

I had also heard that there were poor accom’s on those rigs. Doubled up rooms, one head/shower for the whole crew, no day rooms or anything, just bunks, a shower and a small galley essentially.

Just what I’ve heard from guys over there when I was thinking about switching over to dredge work.

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A lot depends on the age of the vessel, as with every ship.

Usually the accommodation will be as good as any other ship, unless she is old…

I surely don’t know what company or dredge the guys were talking about, but I’ll let you know that for sure they are not all shit holes unless their really old and the Captain doesn’t give a shit. . Some do double up, but they are on opposite watches. The schedule is 12 hours on 12 hours off. The few I’ve seen or been on have day rooms, lounges, and gyms. The dredge I’m on now has two gyms, a lounge, large mess hall, and oversized galley. Most day workers and mates have their own room and share a bathroom with only one other person. Dredging is where it’s at as far as I’m concerned. Went deep sea for many years. The dredging rotation and continuity 21/21 outranks any deep sea job.