Any advice on getting a job on a rig or drillship?

I have been out of the industry for for about five years trying to make my way on land. It’s time to ship out again I have recently renewed my Third Mate licence, STCW, radar and I want to work offshore in the gulf. I’ll do whatever it takes to get on a rig and get some time in. I would like to be a BCO or DP operator. <br><br>I am a CMA grad (D-97). I grew up in the Alaskan fishing industry and after school I went back to work there for a couple of years, then I spent three years on tugs pushing around oil barges doing terminal moves and bunkering ships in the Pacific Northwest. Started having kids and decided to try staying at home for a while. Made a good go of it for a while flipping houses but real estate is pretty tough right now and has kicked my ass. I need to go work and resume my maritime career. <br><br>Any advice?<br>I check and apply on Rigzone everyday and spend 3-4 hours a day searching, researching and sending out resumes.<br><br>Anyone out there work for Transocean or Diamond? <br>I have apps in at both but haven’t been able to talk to anyone who knows or will tell me anything.<br><br>I’ve had quite a few classmate who have goten hired through Baker energy and trained and worked as BCO’s and Barge Supervisors over the years, I’ve contacted them but no luck so far. <br><br>I’m not real sure what I’m missing or how to get my foot in the door.<br>Any help would be much apreciated.

Alitak,<br><br>Are you only interested in domestic work (Gulf of Mexico)?<br><br>If you would like to be considered for an international drillship position with TO post your email address in your profile and I’ll contact you offline to see if I can help.<br><br>CaptMRB

Sure I’d consider an international position. <br><br>Feel free to contact me.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Anyone else have some international offshore perspective to share?

Alitak,<br><br>I sent your name to the Houston and Aberdeen HR departments for consideration. I know we need US licensed 3/M’s so stay persistent in your search and be willing to start as AB because promotions will come quickly for motivated people.<br><br><STRONG>Update</STRONG> - There is no record of your CV in Rigzone based on the name in your profile. Aberdeen HR has no record of an application either. If you provide an <STRONG><span style="text-decoration: underline;]e-mail address</span></STRONG> as I asked before I can contact you and will provide you with direct contact information otherwise there’s not much more I can do.


<font style=“FONT-SIZE: 10px” color=#000000><span style="FONT-FAMILY: Gautami]<font style=“FONT-SIZE: 16px” size=3>
<P class=MsoNormal style=“MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt” align=left><span style="FONT-FAMILY: Gautami]<STRONG>Captmrb</STRONG>,<br></span></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style=“MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt” align=left>Thank you for drawing the Rigzone CV search to my attention. I tried it and sure enough nothing comes up by searching for my name. I have contacted them to discover why.<br><br><br>I was also not aware that Rigzone does not post the candidates names when they are viewed, This is a bit inconvenient for the candidate.<br><br>I have submitted resumes to TO through Rigzone, the TO web site and via fax to the domestic US office of TO. <br><br>I have also submitted through Rigzone for the international side. Although my faith in the competency or completeness of Rigzone service is a little shaky in light of your infomation.<br>I will submit an application through the TO international site as well.<br><br>My gcaptain profile has my name and email address on it if you wish to contact me. <br><br>Please feel free to pass on my information or to contact me at your convenience.<br>Thanks again for your time and your help.<br>Philip Brindle<br></font></span></P></font>

Philip,<br><br>It looks like your original question has brought to light a few issues that might help other candidates applying to TO. First the Rigzone problems you had. In addition I was also told by a Houston HR rep that due to EOE regulations they can only speak to candidates who apply directly for an open position. If you only applied directly for an open DP trainee position for example then you can’t be considered for an open 3rd Mate or AB job domestically unless you apply for those too! They also can’t peruse Rigzone and just make offers to people who post there. It’s something to do with EOE and Affirmitive Action laws. The international business units do not have to operate under those laws so it’s important to apply to both offices.<br><br>Finally there appears to be a GCaptain issue with your e-mail address in your profile. It still shows that it is N/A so thanks for putting it in your message.

captmrb,<br><br>It’s our policy to show all email addresses as N/A by default to prevent unwanted solicitation. Every forum member may change the default in the settings area of their<a target="_blank" href="] account page. If anyone needs to contact another member we have access to all emails and would be happy to pass on the request.<br><br>-John<br>Founder,

<P>Advice for employment on drill ship: I currently have a 1600 grt/3000 itc Master NC license and DPO Unlimited. what are my chances of employment with that? I will be working in the next couple of months to complete the required STCW classes for 3m unlimited. Any comments or derogatory remarks will be much appreciated.</P>

You should have no problems. Try Seadrill, they seem the most desperate lately or Stena if you’re willing to go without medical insurance.