Any advice for a separating Navy E-6 interested in the field? I am currently interested in MITAGS apprenticeship program

Thank you Jenny. I believe you sent me some information regarding use of the GI Bill. I’ll contact you again.

Absolutely not. An oceans license covers all waters except tugs on Western Rivers whereas if you come up on a western rivers tug you’ll have at best an inland only license and a western rivers only towing license.

Get the biggest tonnage license you can for the biggest waters you can.

Thanks CAPT!

I’ve said before , this is a great program it’s a mix of OJT and classes. There seems to be little family time for the 2 yr period but it’s worth it IMHO to come out the other side with 3m or 1600m and you will also have the option to join MMP who funds MITAGS.

I have taken a lot of classes there (east coast) and all of the instructors I’ve encountered were Top Notch !


Dalco - As a little background, I did 4 years in the coast guard and left as an E-6 QM to go to Fort Schuyler. It was by far the best decision of my life. It is very hard to bite the bullet, and at your age 4 years seems like a very long time. It is not, and you and your family will find a way to get by for 4 years. You will have so many more doors including going to sea or inland with your degree and licence and for the rest of your working life as well.

If you were my son, in your position my very very strong advise would be go to one of the Maritime Schools -

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One more thing - Stay in the active reserve if you go to school. With your current active time, and if you stay in the reserve for 4 more years, and tack on your reserve officer obligation after school - you will be far down the road toward a military retirement

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Everyone starts out as an OS or a cadet. You will be making Taco Bell money/cleaning toilets at some point for some amount of time.

@Dalco I’m not sure if you saw this on the MITAGS website, but both of our apprenticeship programs ( 3/M and Mate 500/1600) are VA approved. So you can use your GI Bill benefits to pay for the program