First time caller long time listener. Hello to All.
I have just accepted an AB position with MSC and I am awaiting my NEO date. I have “done my homework” and read the handbook, researched all the federal benefits, gcaptain, jobvent, and the MSC homepage. I’ve heard all the good and the bad. I was wondering if anyone on gcaptain is currently sailing as an AB with MSC and can give me an estimate of the annual salary. I know the difference between east and west coast wages and that many variables exist. There are those that say they are making 80 -100K. I find that VERY hard to believe. As a matter of fact…I don’t. I am looking for a realistic estimate I can balance the checkbook with.
I am currently a MEBA member with a group one shipping card. I’m curious to see when I continue to pay my dues and sail with MSC in an unlicensed position if will I maintain my group one card. I plan on having that license someday after all.
Also, if there are any surface rescue swimmers out there I would like to know how that affects your ship assignment. I am familiar with the monetary incentives except for the bonus for completing the actual training. It seems like a great opportunity and I can smoke all the Navy’s physical requirements for entry into the program.
In 96-97 when I was an AB (M) (maintenence) I earned about 80-90 hours of OT a pay period (2 weeks) when the T-AFS I was on was deployed to the Arabian Gulf as the duty grocery store. As an AB (W) (watchstander) on an Ammo ship, I earned a little less OT, but the OT was a given, ie 32 hours on weekends or nights for standing my inpoort watch, etc etc.
I think you could make $100k but it will all depend on the OT, your work/leave ratio/ you ships operational status. Fear not you’ll make some good bucks in MSC. Then there’s the taxes…
Thank you jeffrox. Good to know the potential is there. I imagine it will be quite a different ballgame than sailing cruise ships. No more trips to the spa or sauna or playing water basketball with the passengers in the pool. Oh well…
Good Luck Seaman, let us know how things roll after you’ve been on the job for a while. Fair Winds!
Realistically, I’d count on making somewhere between 55k-65k.
Will do…
I’m going with a positive attitude and neutral expectations. Hope the nightmare some make it out to be is a little overboard.
55k-65k seems more like what I’d expect.
Thanks to those who responded.
I am still interested in finding more out about the SRS program. I have read every MSC training bulletin on the subject and I would be very appreciative to hear from someone who has gone through the program or is familiar with SRS operational duties. Getting paid to work out seems about as good as it gets for someone who would do so on their own time anyway. Also, very interested to know if you would be assigned to specific vessels or if they just send you where your deck rating is needed? Would you be given a detailer that might offer you foot massages while in the pool? Do they bring you breakfast in bed and put tulips in your stateroom every morning while onboard?
I am currently a MEBA member with a group one shipping card. I’m curious to see when I continue to pay my dues and sail with MSC in an unlicensed position if will I maintain my group one card. I plan on having that license someday after all.
You’re not going to be able to maintain a Group 1 Deep Sea Shipping Card unless you can show 150 days of sailing on your license on MEBA contracted ships every 3 years.
I dont get it. You are an MEBA Group 1 member, but you are going to work for MSC as an AB? Make 60k a year and it wont matter if you lose your card because group 3’s are making a lot more than that. Most of the MSC guys I know did their 5 years so the would get in to the MEBA with initiation fees<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /><o:p></o:p>
[QUOTE=brjones;44745]I dont get it. You are an MEBA Group 1 member, but you are going to work for MSC as an AB? Make 60k a year and it wont matter if you lose your card because group 3’s are making a lot more than that. Most of the MSC guys I know did their 5 years so the would get in to the MEBA with initiation fees<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /><o:p></o:p>[/QUOTE]
I got that card by working the NCLA MEBA ships in a position that did not require a license. Non-watch deck department doing SMS. Started with OS on the MMD but was still a MEBA gig. It was 2/O wages and 100K a year. Believe me when I say it stings. The jobs gone and I upgraded to AB along the way. I was looking for MEBA jobs as an AB and couldn’t find any. So, off to MSC, and hopefully get a 3rds license by going to school and getting paid back for it.
Anyone know of MEBA jobs for an Able Seaman?
Oh, ok that make more sense. I dont think you will be able to keep the group 1 status, but keep paying the dues and at least you will still be a member for when you get a license. Then I believe once you do 70 on the license you can get status back. I think if you dont do 70 days in 6 months you drop down to the lower group. I am not familiar with any MEBA unlicensed jobs other than a few at WSF for oilers