In another forum I just came across a mentioning of a Norwegian-American that became an influential union boss in USA from the 1890s to his death in 1938:
There was even a Liberty ship named for him, which later became the Norwegian flagged Essi:
Essi was taken over by Bj Ruud-Pedersen, Oslo, in Christmas 1946.
7258g 11050d 441.5oa / 424.6 / 57.0 / 34.9 ft
two-way 5ha 562 / 499gb ABS
T3 2500 ihk 11 kn Joshua Hendy Iron Wks, Sunnyvale Cal
10.1942 Richmond Shipyards Inc., Richmond Cal-491
US War Shipping Administration, Washington / Richmond
12.1946 Skips-AS Essi (Bj Ruud-Pedersen), Oslo, for USD 544,506,
took over 29.12.46
from ESSI
9.1957 Cia Oceanica de Navigation SA, Piraeus for GBP 182,100 for living after finishing TC,
live 17.11.58 in Napoli od NIOBE
5.1967 For scrapping, Hirao arrived at 24.5.67
Essi at Stadersand around 1958, photo Stadersand
Essi i ballast, photo disk photos
NSS - Norwegian Shipping History Company | Norwegian Maritime History Society. email: dbakka (a)