An oil tanker named Koala has been damaged near the Russian port of Ust-Luga in the Gulf of Finland

Oil tanker damaged near Russian port, Finland heightens oil spill readiness | Yle News | Yle

Crankcase explosion and bad luck?

  • I do not know. Trawling anchors and cutting cables does not grab media attention any more. So now it’s time to move to stage 2- groundings, , explosions may be fires and the whole Baltic gang is waiting for a huge oil spill. We will wait and see what happens next.

GUR (Ukrainian intelligence agency) most likely. They dispatched a couple russian tankers in Black Sea a while ago, won’t be surprised they reached Gulf of Finland.

Is that so ?? I suspected the " goat of kiev " & “shit island " mythical heroes and mysterious " andromeda team” of being involved.
Wow. That is news.
But last time I checked , Ukraine as a country ceased to exist with plenty of ukrainian women dispersed in neighbouring states trying to rearange their desperate lives somehow.

I also see their most famous penis pianio player, otherwise known as green gnome, touring all media outlets with interviews claiming he has some "rare earth " minerals, he forgot to sell , although he is not revealing to potential buyers their true geographical location. Lindsey Graham surely will be disappointed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You need to stop watching “Russia Today”.

Is that so??? :wink:
In case You missed it, it was a SITREP in situ and feedback from 2 mln+ displaced individuals living here.

You seem to be in urgent need of updates.
In my region/environment the acess to RT is forbidden. It is completely shut down.
Meantime in countries that affected this shutdown and are yapping laudest about propaganda spreading theirs in the meantime ,

one can watch it 24/7/365 . One can wonder why . Could be they are prepping another nation of fools to be their cannon fodder. Hence i will refrain from telling You what to do as it could be in contravention of civilised rules of this community .

You keep repeating russki propaganda, I can’t help you other than suggesting stop watching it, sorry.

I am not offended , hence in no need of your apologetic posture here :wink: .& kind gestures of compassion.

For 30 years i have been subjected to russki propaganda, hence i know how it feels, how it tastes and what it means.

For another 35 I have been willingly and unmolested , subjected to anglo-saxon propaganda and have discovered to my chagrin , it is so sophisticated in it’s deviousness , that i need double time to inoculate myself against it .

But I am deeply concerned about your disadvantageous condition of being unfit or unwilling to compare both and draw your own conclusions.

Below is my akward attempt to show You some signposts on your much needed road to discovery, which i hope may awake your critical thinking leading to it’s much required application.

On propaganda:

SOURCE : book “Propaganda”

Certain characteristics of my trusted allies :wink:

The last item was quoted by famous US scholar of int .recognition and the author of " The tragedy of great power politics" and that led me to the source material.

Surely both above mentioned scholars are not RT fans or paid putin agents .

Both positions i strongly recommend to read time allowing of course.
Meantime cut on CNN input :wink:

Bro, I don’t need your long lecture. I didn’t need to read anything after “Ukraine as a country ceased to exist”, since you obviously have no clue as of what’s going on there.

Take care Bro.

This is guy is just spreading disgusting rusian propaganda. Just internet troll. Who keep telling that he’s not from rusia and doesn’t watch rt, but all he is spreading is the same that they are saying on rusia’s federal channels.

Alias @Dmytro .
I could use the new phraseology or buzz words , spreading quickly on this forum to properly describe your input here.

For example :
argumentum ad hominem
argumentum ad …whatever. @Jughead :wink:

your “class " of technical high school alumni geniuses will surely conclude from such latin usage, I am the native of " down under” and watching the popular show " Black snow" and Sky news " Lefties loosing it "

Most likely same “class” of geniuses, will consider it unthinkable and preposterous that may be , just may be I have carefuly read two books :

  1. How-to-Win-Every-Argument
  2. How to Argue - Essential Skills For Writing And Speaking Convincingly

and akwardly try to apply here some of the fallacy techniques described there for an average Joe to understand.

Dmitrij. If I may suggest, try to cut viewing time on “Myth busters” and gaming (see your FB profile) and switch to book reading .It will be beneficial and expand your horizons.

Meantime there are some interesting threads here about underwater cable cutting techniques and propaganda , needing urgently your maritime expert view and opinion . Give it a try please.

Happy Birthday!!! Have good one.

1 Like

THX!!! Dr.Bugge.

66 is a fine even number , however regret to observe, biology will prevent me from adding another 6 :wink: so it could be three digit " 666" . :pirate:
But would be lucky to reach 69 , which is another meaningful number. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Could be interesting to celebrate with crowds of witches, shrews , hags, necromancers and/or similar beauties.

Meantime forum crowd will do just as well :wink: with Dr.Bugge presiding and @Jughead argumenting ad… and some cuties here "absurding ":

Will cheer myself up today with " Witches of Eastwick " & good old Jack starring and wolfing .