American Exceptionalism

Scandinavian Nationalism

The SAS commercial, which was taken down the following day amidst a huge backlash, posed the question: “What is truly Scandinavian?”, followed by the answer: “Absolutely nothing”.

Such was the rage in response, there was even a bomb threat against the headquarters of the advertising company, &Co, in Copenhagen.

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The article touches on an issue all countries go thru. Who are we as a country? Are we like our native born parents or all these other people ? For all its faults the USA has done a good job of assimilating people from all parts of the world for over 200 years. We have our scapegoats to blame for all the ills the country is going thru at various times such as the Irish, Italians, Mexicans, Vietnamese, Russians, Germans and all those people from the other America in the southern hemisphere. After a generation or two we just count these folks as 'Merican. It’s worked well for a couple of hundred years and we are all better for it. At the end of the day a country is just a piece of dirt with people living on it and it makes no difference where they came from as long as they care for their fellows residing on that same piece of dirt.


Norwegians can give Americans a run for their money in Exceptionalism.


As definer by Slik_cam1 in post #2 yes, but not in the Wikipedia definition quoted by KBC in post #6.
Many Norwegians think that “if it wasn’t for the Norwegian effort as a peace maker. the world would have gone to hell long time ago”.