The scientific way to measure this would be to calculate the ratio of selfie sticks per total population.
Reminds me of this:
Now THIS one… made me laugh so damn hard. Now this is a damn good topic! Hahaha!
Narcissism is born of a primitive idea that the individual owes nothing to anyone but themselves. The idea that we all exist and gain advantages by working together is foreign to them. Those that are born into advantages are especially prone to narcissism. I was lucky as most on this forum was to be born into a system that gave a decent public education paid for by my parents and others taxes. I then went on to work and eventually more school paid for by the VA and taxes we all contributed. I feel a debt of gratitude to my country and all who contributed to my success. Narcissistic people feel no such sense of gratitude. Born on third base and think they hit a triple. They forget a saying. From those to whom much is given much us expected.
Unfortunately there is a disconnect. In each of those generations if a person had work ethic, determination and a little skill they could thrive ln the industry. Now it appears people are ‘thinking’ they are doing an exemplary job, wonder why they aren’t the Captain when they can’t even do a deckhands job well and get ‘insulted’ when called on it.
My response to a deck hand in a gang bitching about having to scrub while I held a hose to wet the deck: “Go get a license. Until you do shut the fuck up and keep scrubbing.” Said in a bantering way rather than in a confrontational way.
Is this type of response frowned upon in the age of political correctness?
Retirement looks better every day.
This thread has me reflecting back how the industry has morphed over my career.
In 1970, I turned 17 on a seismic vessel. It was 165 ft with 35 crewmembers. Anyone then with thin skin was eaten alive! I shudder to think how the snowflakes would react now.
The last 7 years I sailed, we had several classes we were required to attend on our days off including the “social responsibility” crap. For me it usually fell on the opening day of deer season. Retirement is NOT over-rated…
Because you Mr/Miss FNG, are not smart enough to know what you don’t know.
Keep your mouth shut, eyes and ears open, and try to learn something before you are promoted to the limit of your (questionable) abilities, and risk injuring or killing one of the crew YOU are responsible for.
…nope, I am not bitter or frustrated at all
So in other words. “Woke?”
Yes, woke…As in “I had 6 cups of coffee, and I be woke today.”
Since we’ve inhabited the planet, the older generation has bitched about the younger generation. Most of the guys I hear bitch about younger guys tend to fall in the same half assed category of the people they are bashing. While I see issues with younger guys and gals ie stuck on cell phone, I don’t see myself as better or that I worked harder. And even if I did I don’t feel the need to point it out to them. Either way, it’s not going to change who I’m stuck working with so I deal with it.
I always appreciated when my first Captain told me “I didn’t do shit on deck, I took all the shortcuts. Therefore I WILL KNOW when you are taking shortcuts”. I actually believed him over the type that bitches that in some way he was better or worked harder - I never believed that guy.
Jesus, that sounds like something I’d say…
As a millennial and as someone whose worked In the industry for over 6 years (I know isn’t shit) but I PERFER it this way. Makes a reason and a purpose to go get yourself a “bigger” or “better” license then you currently have. If everyone gets a highfive at the end, it defeats the purpose. I think it’s incredibly important to have higher licenses and be the one able to say those exact words.
In my experience the crew has to understand there are high standards and when those standards are not met they need to know. But when an operation goes smoothly they need to know as well.
Giving feedback has nothing to do with being nice. How else will the crew know?
Absolutely!! I have been written up for reminding a deckhand to do his job at the beginning of each hitch for the last two years. He complained I spoke to him in a harsh tone! It’s time to retire. Participation trophies, endless strikes in baseball, teach your kids how to be the losers they are!
Exactly. And these Millenials and Xers are completely oblivious of the word ‘good job’. They think just rolling out of the rack is good enough to get paid, promoted, and retired with a pension! Ok. So I may be painting with a broad brush. Not ALL are like this. But according to ‘office speak’ this is the new ‘norm’ for interpersonal relationships. Gee… I didn’t know I was going to need a MSW degree to be a Captain.
I only use tone of voice or body language with crew members I trust. I don’t mind if my regular bos’n or chief sees I a little pissed off about something. With the rest of the crew I stick to the script and use neutral language. Here is the requirement - here is what you did.
Sounds to me like a lot of officers here have a problem with their port captain/HR department, etc., not the person being evaluated. If your supervisor (captain/port captain/HR department) is giving you grief because you are too harsh with a subordinate the problem resides with your supervisor.
Is it the child’s fault if one parent disciplines them, and then the other parent countermands the discipline? The parents need to back each other up for the system to work.
At least at my company these are the new methods being touted to speak nice for all or any infractions, good behaviors or discipline. I can’t divulge the major oil company that my company piggybacks off of. But it’s absolutely amazing. If you haven’t seen this… just give it time. It’s coming to a boat company near you!