Hi If you have a 100ton master license with a lot of sea time, over 50 and 100 ton vessels, can I get endorsement for 200 ton master? If you can help me further please e-mail me at equinox220@yahoo.com. thank you for your time.
Captain John
You need a year (360 8-hour days) of service as master or mate on your existing 100 GRT license to be able to move up to 200 GRT Master.
The applicable regulations are in 46 CFR - Part 10 and can be read at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2008/octqtr/pdf/46cfr10.426.pdf.
Its not an endorsement. It’s an upgrade. You can take a 1 week course, and test at the school for it. It’s about a thousand bucks.
It is not an endorement. It is an upgrade to your license. You must have 360 8hr or 240 12 days of service as a licensed Master or Mate, but atleast 1/2 of your time needs to be on vessels over 100 GRT. You will also have to take a partial exam. It is up to you whether you want to test at the CG REC or at a CG approved class. Most mariners find it easier to test at a school, considering they have not plotted or studied to be prepared to test at the CG.
[B][I]you might want to try sea school in bayou labatrie,was going to upgrade last dec.for the 200 ton master,but had a few set backs.cant remember but it was like 500-600 hundred for a weeks course,including room and board,but they do have a motel down the street if wanting to go that route.good luck on your upgrade.[/I][/B]