1600t Mate Near Coastal with AB/cook seatime question

I am currently applying for my 1600t mate near coastal. I submitted my application and the evaluater came back with I don’t qualify as my AB/Cook(12hr days) seatime does not count as 1.5 days.Thus giving me .25% of my seatime. My seatime letter does break down my what I did per day in each position. But they state that isn’t good enough. Any other people have this issue when applying for a 1600t licence, that had previous deckhand/cook or ab/cook seatime? Thank you for any input

[QUOTE=jdstrd;156506]I am currently applying for my 1600t mate near coastal.[/QUOTE]

What part of cooking do you think qualifies you to take charge of a navigational watch?

[QUOTE=jdstrd;156506]I am currently applying for my 1600t mate near coastal. I submitted my application and the evaluater came back with I don’t qualify as my AB/Cook(12hr days) seatime does not count as 1.5 days.Thus giving me .25% of my seatime. My seatime letter does break down my what I did per day in each position. But they state that isn’t good enough. Any other people have this issue when applying for a 1600t licence, that had previous deckhand/cook or ab/cook seatime? Thank you for any input[/QUOTE]

I’ve heard of guys getting that time to count. Maybe they just put AB instead of AB Cook on their service letter though…

[QUOTE=jdstrd;156506]I am currently applying for my 1600t mate near coastal. I submitted my application and the evaluater came back with I don’t qualify as my AB/Cook(12hr days) seatime does not count as 1.5 days.Thus giving me .25% of my seatime. My seatime letter does break down my what I did per day in each position. But they state that isn’t good enough. Any other people have this issue when applying for a 1600t licence, that had previous deckhand/cook or ab/cook seatime? Thank you for any input[/QUOTE]
Back in my day (when dinosaurs roamed the Earth) credit for Steward’s Department/ Food Handler was credited on a 2 for 1 basis. 2 days of seatime = 1 day Coast Guard time. Things they are achangin’.

Check these references:
46 CFR 10.232
46 CFR 11.301
46 CFR 11.416
46 CFR 11.211 Take special note of paragraph (g)

It all boils down to who you get as an evaluator as to how sympathetic they will be to your plight.