Cassens & Plath Sextant

Cassens & Plath Professional Marine Sextant. Original owner, purchased in 1977, well cared for. Have original bill of sale. Upgraded to 6 x 30 scope and full horizon mirror. Taking stars with this setup is a snap. Also have original 4 x 40 scope and split horizon mirror. Mahogany case. Serial No. 28604. $600 , plus shipping. A new C&P with 6 x 30 / full horizon mirror is $1800. Photos on eBay.

I wish I had the disposable money got another good sextant.
I already have a C. Plath from the 1960’s I bought from the original owner a few years ago for $500.


Thanks for the feedback. I would like to see it go to a professional.
I still used it after the GPS revolution. The full horizon mirror makes this instrument really easy to use.
I used to have a small quartz watch that was attached to the frame. I would just press the button and I got my chronometer time of the sight.
I could do a round of stars in quick time. The quartz watch got corroded around the battery area and I could not get it fixed.


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Is this sextant still available? I’m preparing for offshore navigation. I’m looking for a quality instrument at a fair price.


Sorry, the sextant has been sold. In the middle of moving so I forgot to figure out how to delete the post.
Thanks for your interest,


Try Ebay. There are several good C&P options as well as what was knowns as the “east german” plath - Freiberger sextant. Mind you, most are located in India at a breaking yard, but there are options. At least you know there is a good chance it wasn’t used for the 20+ years of its life, right?

Good luck and good shooting.

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Haha! Yeah, that’s true.

Thank you for responding.
Hope the move went well.



I happen to have a Cassens and Plath serial no. 11908 I bought new in about 1994. Modern optics (fullview mirror). was not planning on selling but if you want to make an offer.

Tony P. in Prescott AZ