Workboat Show

Existing Travel plans have me close by that week, and may consider making a detour to do some networking. Been before, and got some good networking done once the party-liquors started flowing.

While workboat as a magazine sucks, especially MadMax the ship master they do put on a big enough event worth checking out.

Anyone here going to be around there? I have an few invitations to evening receptions but would like to think it through more before committing to going.

Mostly its a good place to be networking, drink free booze, and get away from the wife for an extra night.

I have visited in years past. It is a good time and interesting. Talking to others in the industry
and gathering info is helpful.

I will be there’re presenting Global Maritime Houston

[QUOTE=JW-Oceans;173928]I will be there’re presenting Global Maritime Houston[/QUOTE]

Just curious. What does your company do?

It’s a fun time, been a few times not able to make it this year. The show is always fun to walk through and there can be some good presentations as well.

Marine Engineering and Consultancy. Marine Assurance, Marine Warranty, DP FMEA & Trials, Anchor systems, Design, verification, Inclines, deadweight, Marine Survey, inspections, OVID, CMID, ROV BOP, cranes…, anything Marine Related!

OCIMF will hold a invitation only OVID focus group during the conference, if anyone has any questions or concerns please let me know, I would be happy to bring this to the attention of the group!

Didn’t see gCaptain listed as an exhibitor this year. Must not have found the show working out for him.

I may have a chance to catch one day of the show. Should be interesting.