When do you think Google's going to take your job? We're training them now!

[QUOTE=john;102581]I bet we can get sweat & grease to run things in exchange for a lifetime supply of barley and hops for his home brewery plus a case of backwoods cigars :wink:

But getting Micky Arison to pay up after we save his next ship from running agroundā€¦ That might be more difficult.[/QUOTE]

BACKWOODS! YES! Also, I vote Sweat & Grease for the next Secretary of Transportation AND head of MARAD at the same time! Maybe he can replace Micky Arison while heā€™s at itā€¦

Chump Chagne to Carnival, call him up! Just think, a SuperPilot App would never fall into a lifeboat (without spilling a drop).

(and send a case of Cubans to S&G)

I say bring it. Then when shit breaks they can pay the engineers 3x as much to fly out and fix it. Basically I will make the same salary sitting on my tail 25 days/month.