I took the fall and the winter off to enjoy the Holidayswith my family and remind myself that drivin’ a big truck is just as stressfulas and even more tiring than drivin’ a towboat.
Point being I have been out of the gcaptain loop for a fewmonths, so please forgive me if I am in error in the following:
I saw something on here a couple months ago about an essaycontest tooting gcaptain’s horn.
Although I do appreciate a good essay contest, that one didnot really draw my attention.
The random common sense stuff that the average reader whodoesn’t really know too much about the marine industry can also enjoy, is thekind of stuff I enjoy reading.
I saw something on “Funny shit my captain says” about votingfor your best quote. I like that idea.
I have seen a few posts here and there that would have definitelygotten A+’s from my English Comp. teacher in high school.
And others were not fit for toilet paper.
Yet the best ones I think could make any Reader’s Digest orother publication and be published authors of some really good works ofcomposition
But I guess I will help toot the gcaptain horn and say thatfor the most part it is a great place to get online and BS with othermariners.
You can blog an essay or vent about BS at work.
You can get industry news and current events from experts chimingin.
You can get your feelings hurt if you are thin skinned.
Yeah, you guys are alright in my book I guess.