I am a student. As a part of my project “Cultural differences on board”, I am conducting a survey about the experiences of people at the management level while having Filipino sailors on board. I will be immensely appreciative, if you could spare 7 min to complete the survey. You can find it under:
I spent three years as master of a seismic vessel with all other officers and crew being Filipino. I would say never to all of these statements. However I will not fill out your negative leaning survey. Is this what you do in college these days? I agree, most racist thing I’ve seen in a while.
I’ve never had any problems with my limited experiences sailing with Filipino nationals. Those guys are usually the hardest working crew on the vessel. They were always pleasant and ready to lend a hand. Based on everyone else’s responses I won’t bother clicking the link for the survey. Sounds to xenophobic for me.
I humbly apologize, if I knowingly or unknowingly offended someone. I assure you, I have no such intentions. I have a lot of Filipino friends and I even speak Tagalog. If you really read the survey, you can see there is nothing racistic inside. And if you find something, please let me know. Then I will change it. Regards, Nadia
I’m going to hope that something got lost in translation because that survey was very biased. I’d almost rather work with Filipinos than certain Americans that I’ve worked with…just saying.
I didn’t take your survey but I did scroll through it a bit. I think page three of the survey is an excellent example of why you are receiving backlash. The questions imply discipline and task assignments are given out based on nationality or race rather than the individual abilities or actions. I think you’ll find most of us here value shipmates who do their work in a professional manner regardless of where they are from. A lot of the questions there just simply isn’t a “correct” answer because “don’t know” isn’t the same as “none of these.”
Fillipino seamen are hard working, quiet, even tempered and a pleasure to work with. We merchant seamen don’t care about the color or nationality of the hand that pulls us into the lifeboat.
[QUOTE=Too bad steam is gone;93239]Fillipino seamen are hard working, quiet, even tempered and a pleasure to work with. We merchant seamen don’t care about the color or nationality of the hand that pulls us into the lifeboat.[/QUOTE] Damned straight!
I wonder if she has a survey she sends to Filipino mariners asking how they feel about the caste system and discrimination they have to live with. In one certain part of the shipping business Filipino crew cannot progress but so far up the ladder because they are …Filipino. In other parts of the industry Filipino mariners are a disposable commodity who can be replaced with one phone call and they are reminded of this regularly.
Without Filipino mariners much of the world’s ocean going freight would not move but they are treated as anything but an essential part of the industry by most employers who conspire with the agencies to maintain the status quo.
I am absolutely sick and tired of this feel good everyone is a winner liberal hippy idealistic mantra which basis it’s logic on equal outcome for all without regard to the basis of what we earn is what we keep. Nadir, this comment is not directed at you, it is directed at the liberal hippy, if it feels good do it educational system that has indoctrinated you as another victim of political correctness, it’s everyone’s fault but my own…the lie that every person is special and their achievements are therefore equal, but at the same time they are all radical individuals and yet deserve the same. This frame of mind will get you nowhere in the real world.
The best, most hard working and loyal crew members which I had the pleasure of serving with as a rubber ducky dinner cruise captain happen to be Filipino and by golly now that I think about it, they were the ones that took the most pride in their work. This race hustling BS frankly must stop. All men and women are born equal. It is what you make of yourself at the end of the day is all that matters. Drop the sleeve that says you are entitled to something Mr. Professor, get some time on deck or better yet, BOOTS on deck and realise us common laymen folk at the end of the day don’t bat an eye as to where you are from, what color of skin you have or how poorly your ancestors have unfortunately been treated in the past. All we care about is if you can pull your weight right next to us on deck or in the engine room and look out for one another. Nadia, please relay this to your government school PhD instructor. I, and I suppose others on this forum will be interested in hearing his smug soft handed reply. In closing, I am signing this reply with my real name with the hopes that your instructor will summons up the courage to dispute my argument and not cower behind his impressionable student’s shadow.
Best Regards,
Carson Wiedeman Ii
[QUOTE=U.S. Marine (ret);93346]I am absolutely sick and tired of this feel good everyone is a winner liberal hippy idealistic mantra which basis it’s logic on equal outcome for all without regard to the basis of what we earn is what we keep. Nadir, this comment is not directed at you, it is directed at the liberal hippy…[/QUOTE]
Wow! I’ll bet that’s the last time a straw man picks a fight with you!
Nadia, please just answer this question…Why Filipino seaman are featured in this questionnaire? You could pick a multitude of nationalities for this. I won’t be bothered to answer any of the questionnaire, as you may see from my profile I live in Asia and have excellent working relations with Philippine seamen and a shit load of others. There are the good and the not so good with every nation marine crew.
What is answered by the other GCaptain members in this thread I support fully.