What is stopping you? Metric, again

Appears that there are still a lot to be said about this “dead horse”.

This thread was started by my reply being moved by an admin, but without Meme Lord’s post for context:

“What is stopping you” was just the last sentence in my reply. (See OP)

Misunderstand me correctly; I don’t care if the US keeps on loosing Mars landers and expensive satellites: How NASA Lost Its Mars Climate Orbiter From a Metric Error
You have the right to use any system of measurments you like. Nobody is going to stop you.

For me, I prefer the metric system (now SI) but I have lived with several different systems and seen some of the dangers misunderstanding can lead to.

I have also seen some funny, or stupid, things that result from people thinking in one system and trying to do things in another. Examples:

  • Building offshore rigs in Singapore from drawings in US units, but using steel in metric thickness and not changing the light weight of the hull. (Took years to figure out why the rigs floated deeper than anticipated)
  • Or the driller reporting progress in meters and inches. The Toolpusher and Companyman could then mentally convert by the simple assumption that each meter = 3 ft.

I could go on with more such samples, but that would not serve any purpose I’m afraid.

If I haven’t said it before I’ll repeat it now; if everybody used ONE system the changes of conversion mistakes are at least less. (Unless that system involves fractions)

PS> Have you noticed that when somebody try to define USCS, or Imperial units, they use metrics?: