I bet this was singlehandedly the work of a newhire 3/m who got distracted by something (paperwork? checklists?) or tried to avoid something and screwed himself. Interesting that desouki did not size this guy up before he did this. And if this guy is a newhire he will take the fall and get fired as a probationary.
nice that this will make MSC look incompetent all the way up to the 3 Star on base in Bahrain though.
You don’t need to cut the pilot loose coming out of BAH, they depart before Sitrah light unless they have an inbound out a bit further but the 50 or so times I’ve been in\out of there, that might have happened 2 times.
It’s all speculation right now. I don’t know what ships you have been on but I have always been on vessels (except once) that had a full A/M detail set between BAH Bell Bouy all the way to port and vise versa.
You are obviously a troll. I worked with Desouki as well and there was never a wet bar. You should not take pleasure in another mariner/ship’s bad moment as it could be you one day. Seems you didnt perform well at your job with Desouki as you are so quick to slander. I was an engineer but I saw him give every opportunity to young mates to get comfortable conning in and out of port and during UREPS. You dont see that too often.