The CG is holding a hearing this week (5/12/19-5/17/19) regarding the sinking of the Mary B II this last January. The crew of three perished.
Seastate was not favorable for a bar crossing. The hearing information lists 12-14 ft swells, occasional 16 ft breaking waves that day, though other CG reports said breaking waves to 20 ft. The bar was deemed Restricted by the USCG station at the time, but not closed. Generally, the USCG considers bar crossings Rough at 4ft and more ( 33 USC 165.1325: has all the info).
Four other crab boats crossed into Newport that afternoon and evening.
Monday’s testimony included post-mortem toxicology results which showed Captain Biernacki with alcohol at 0.033 g/dl and methamphetamine at 0.5 mg/l.
For context, according to Google:
“0.03 g/dL – May feel a slight buzz, but without having trouble talking, seeing, or keeping your balance.”; “Blood concentrations ranging from 0.15 to 0.56 mg/L have been reported in methamphetamine abusers showing . . . irrational behavior and from 0.05 to 2.6 mg/L in individuals arrested for erratic driving.”
Apparently, post-mortem meth levels increase in concentration about 1.5 times.
Witness testimony of the Captain’s appearance and manner before going fishing was also not flattering.
I hope testimony from CG personnel will cover what radio communication occurred between the Mary B and the Yaquina station, or any of the other vessels that crossed (or chose not to) that evening.