US military recruitment problems

I agree, I don’t think recruits & potential cadets are discouraged by vaccines & PC crap. But as a dad I am. To get into Space Force the preferred pathway now is through the Air Force. Today I read the Air Force Academy D&I department is telling cadets not to use gender specific pronouns including Mom & Dad. What the Fuck? Of course cadets live on campus for 4 yrs & they aren’t supposed to use the words mom & dad while there? Considering all the love, support & money I spent on my kids I won’t be supportive of them going to a school where I’m referred to as “parent with penis”. I don’t care if it’s free or not. “Hey guys, my parent with a vagina shipped me some cookies, who wants some?” That Air Force Academy done gone & lost their minds with the rest of the country. Scratch that one off the list. Recruiter better not come by my house trying to kidnap my kids with that bullshit.