From that article it seems the Healy has made it’s last Artic voyage which is fine by me because the US needs new icebreakers imo. But what I do find disappointing is the USCG (US gov) can’t replicate technology or fabricate parts that could be fabricated in the 1990’s. I work on a ship thats older than the Healy & we’ve made pcb’s from scratch. Almost anything old that doesn’t look like they make anymore gets rebuilt and/or we create a spare with the lathe, milling machine etc. I’m not that great of an engineer but I can pretty much fabricate anything on an old ship with enough time, stock material & money. If I can’t, I sure the hell could find someone who could with Uncle Sam writing the check. What the hell is wrong with the USCG’s engineering department? They’re supposed to be regulating us & they can’t even keep their shit running? If we figured out how to read 2000yr old hieroglyphics with the Rosetta Stone we should be able to replicate parts from the 1990’s.