TWIC @ Airport Security

Its crazy but the TWIC does not work as an ID to scan as you enter. The TSA agent told me its not going to work and she scaned it but it does not read the TWIC. I think some people are getting confused. Yes, the TWIC works to get you listed as TSA pre check but not as your scanned ID as you enter.


I have a new TWIC and when scanned at the checkpoint it does not work.

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I couldn’t use it at the checkpoint either.

It’s funny because REAL ID isn’t fully in effect until May 2025 and the TSA’s own website says TWICs are valid ID for airport checkpoints:

But it doesn’t matter since none of the TSA workers seem to know what it is (strangely I don’t think the TSA workers in airports have TWICs though I know they have extensive background checks)

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Absolutely correct and absolutely ludicrous.

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Sent an email complaining about the TWIC not working at screening. Here’s the reply.

The TWIC card remains a [valid form of identification for travel at TSA checkpoints] However, TSA has implemented Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) at most TSA checkpoints to accurately authenticate passenger identification. The CAT solutions requires certain physical security features to authenticate identification documents. The current TWIC card design cannot be authenticated by CAT. In such instances, TSA’s Transportation Security Officers may request that the passenger provide an alternate form of identification, such as a state-issued driver’s license, for use in CAT devices. TSA acknowledges that the TWIC should be operable with TSA’s CAT solution(s). At this time, TSA is completing testing of a new TWIC card that is more secure and compatible with the technology used at TSA checkpoints. TSA plans to implement this new card in 2024, including training for all officers on the validity of the TWIC card at TSA checkpoints.


The only things that work100% of the time without question (whether it scans or not) at TSA is a US Passport or a Global Entry Card.


I would think most state issued IDs would as well? I’ve never had a problem with a drivers license.

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TWIC cards were originally supposed to scan and let you in at US ports. I’ve never seen a TWIC scanner or some sort of id scanner like the airport has for drivers licenses.

Has anyone ever scanned their TWIC card at a port ?

Yes, but only when I’ve done local port security training for that port and they have my TWIC registered with their system.

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Never. The Whole TWIC System is a con. That’s why processing them(and tsa pre-check) is not even administered by government employees anymore, it’s farmed out to a contractor.

Anecdotally, I had a coworker who ran into a scanner once, of course he couldn’t remember his PIN.


Not me personally but I was getting a ride from company security to a ship and they had the driver scan his TWIC, scan his finger prints, and asked for his pin. I got nervous because I sure as shit don’t know my pin but he was the only one in the car that had to do the whole song and dance. I nearly took a video because I’d never seen any of those three things happen

Not once. And I sailed Great Lakes, Coastwise and Deep Sea. And get this. Hampton Roads Port Authority has their own unique ID which you must obtain if you are, say, on a LMSR sitting in Newport News. The port authority makes you show your TWIC to obtain their ID. The low IQ gate guards make you show your port authority ID and your TWIC! If you only have one or the other, you can’t get in!

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I did for the first time this month at a Charleston container terminal. Security just tapped the TWIC like using a CAC card to get on a DOD base.