Tugboat Wages 2022

401k matching at Coastal Transportation Inc.= 37.5% The match is on employee contributions, not on employee salary. This is different than most maritime companies, but the amount of the contribution is generally similar.

Dunlap Towing.

Captains: $816.64, plus ATO

It’s a MMP union job. I have not heard how much ATO they accrue.

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Coastal Transportation in Seattle (small freighters serving the Alaska fishing industry).

Captains: High $1100/day Average $945

Chief Engineers: High $808, average $725

Mates: High $807, average $603

AB: High $492, average $437

Cooks $382

OS–start at $220/day, up to about $350. (NO MMC Needed)

401k matching 36%.

This is damn good pay, but they really earn it in the winter.


and I believe they do a schedule based on trips so you don’t actually work an even time schedule, so if you’re looking to make money those wages plus a busy schedule would be a good company to look at.

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A good place for a guy to get started while he’s waiting for his MMC to be issued. But it’s a job for a fit young guy willing to do a lot of cargo work.

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2002 called, they want their wages back. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


New contract still has me making what some are quoting AB’s are making. And I’m on a highly specialized tug doing highly specialized work as a master.

Must be SIU in the Gulf?

Some of the “inland division” unions appear to be in cahoots with the owners to suppress wages.

Come on guys. Please post some union wage scales

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Absolutely correct, and absolutely the feel of things. We are shown other contracts for comparison, from companies that service far fewer ships a much lower frequency. SIU doesn’t “want contracts too far apart to prevent turnover.”

Soon as a truly published new contract (enacted October 1st 2021) actually gets provided to the fleet, I will be more than happy to publish the embarrassment that is our pay. Along with the $25 a day “Subsistence Pay.”

A great place for any man who can’t stand doing the same damn thing every damn day. In a 25-day voyage things are always changing. After threading the Inside Passage there’s the deep sea wilds of the North Pacific. Just when that’s getting monotonous you’re among the Peninsula outports. Off your ass, unlashing chain, slinging loads, driving lift trucks,

Then it changes again: you’re in Dutch Harbor, loading southbound cargo. Skilled work. Which is why the pay for ABs is so high. More brains need than brawn these days. But muscles, too. The work is like building a giant brick wall in the cargo hold, only the bricks are palletized cargo stacked by forklifts. Breakfast to dinner hours, a lot of the time. Then back to Seattle, maintenance and lookout watches again.

It’s always changing. A job for high energy guys who like change.


I’ve never hesitated to hire guys with Coastal Transportation on their resume. And I’ve seldom been disappointed. They are workers.

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Crowley East Coast and GoM tugs (SIU top to bottom)

Captain ~$750
CM ~$560
2M ~$470

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What vessels are those for? Those seem very low even for Crowley. If this is for ATBs, how do they find people?

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Both Crowley Puerto Rico Services out of Jacksonville/Philly and Contract Services out of Lake Charles.

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Well the ones in Lake Charles hardly do anything, so I guess it’s good money to sit at the dock?

How much ATO? Any overtime?

None and no.

Vacation pay is ~$13.50 a day for chief mate and ~$12.50 a day for 2M. Captain is probably ~$15 a day but I’m not as sure there.

Medical, dental, and vision are all included in union membership so there’s no payroll deduction.

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But, what falls thru the cracks a bit, at least with my own personal experience, is that it takes 90 days ‘worked’ to be eligible for their benefits. If you never work extra, that will take about six months assuming you are doing an even time schedule (30/30). Their argument on why it takes so damn long to become eligible is 'well, if you quit get fired or laid off, you still have the insurance for six months.) Now throw in the fact that you are assuming the company you are working for is doing their due diligence making contributions to the union. Now give yourself another month before the SIU gets their shit together, and you’re eligible.
Another thing that is unique and they don’t tell you is that all claims/approvals go thru the union. You aren’t particularly talking to the insurance company. All claims and approvals need to go thru the union, and they are only open monday thru friday 0800-1645 ( closed weekends and holidays.) Expect to be on hold for a while, because they are short-handed…or so they say.
There isn’t really any vision insurance, you go where you want and get reimbursed up to 200 bucks every two years.
Yeah, the medical and dental is pretty good, and you aren’t paying anything except your monthly dues, but there are some unique pitfalls and curveballs to using it.

RTBU contract,
Senior employees get longevity $ 50-70/ day on top of base daily.
Captains are non-union but reported to be $850+


Which companies are RTBU again?

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