Transatlantic lines (TAL) current situation

For anyone who’s interested: The MV Transatlantic is at anchor in Long Beach California, being held by USCG for scores of deficiencies. Crew has not been paid for over a month (May 24th), and even that payment was 4 days late. As usual, no transparency with upper management, crew being kept in the dark. Close to 50% of crewmembers quit, vessel is extremely shorthanded. Cargo can’t be moved until deficiencies are rectified.

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I saw her moored at Berth 46 in San Pedro for days until she sailed out to Long Beach for an anchorage. Was wondering, thought she was under a MSC contract. What can you tell me about the company? Why haven’t the workers organized? I read there was a push from SIU some time ago.

We got meba what do you mean. We voted for meba. O wait their hands are tied womp womp womp. Also we are at full strength we have a full crew. Also gudmonder takes care of my kids.

MEBA? Good to hear, however, not everybody is a deck or engineering officer. How about the unlicensed crew?

I could swear I posted this a few days ago but it seems to have vanished for some reason.

One more try to link to the USCG Port State Information Exchange page for the MV Transatlantic

I’m not sure what this means.

And not sure why we have another thread here when there is already a post about TAL with the same info?

Yeah no kidding! A friend of mine was going to take a job on there as chief mate for 320$/day I talked him out of it. Hard to believe that they get people to work there!

How long ago and what license did he have?

This is unfortunately the norm without some sort of union representation.

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Month or so ago chief mate license he had yet to sail on as C/M

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Interesting. So, I thought all US Flag civilian vessels were crewed by union members? :thinking:

Not exactly a credible source but according to Wikipedia she was under MSC contract for a while but that ended in 2009.

Wikipedia article on MV TransAtlantic

The last I heard they were paying $500-$550 a day for a Chief Mate license and they paid a guy with a 2M license who had a little experience as a CM $450 a day (the training Chief Mate rate).

Either they’re really broke or trying to strong arm the union negotiations.

Nope. Most large ships are Union but not all. The limited tonnage vessels are largely non union.

She almost exclusively moves US military cargo. Sometimes under long term contract, sometimes not.

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Woahhh budddy. They tried to eip him off 3rd mates are making 400 a day easy. God save the king

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.

Are they trying to sell the TransAtlantic or Geyser?

They have the Transatlantic listed for sale, I don’t know about the Geyser.

can you tell us where is it listed?

This was recently posted in an other thread: where do big companies list ships for sale.

See: Search under under containerships geared.

Transatlantic is listed for $2.5 million.

I’m certainly no expert on ship prices, but compared to the prices of other listed ships, and given that the last info posted on gcaptain was that she was in Long Beach being detained by the USCG for innumerable deficiencies, that sounds to me like a ridiculously high price for such an old foreign built ship.