Time of all of us to call BULLSHIT on Captain Max Hardberger

[QUOTE=Kennebec Captain;166721]Joel doesn’t suffer fools gladly but he’s a stand-up guy and he knows his shit. He has done a lot for working mariners.[/QUOTE]

That’s a strong endorsement of Joel from a very credible source. Joel goes on my good guy list.

[QUOTE=tugsailor;166730]That’s a strong endorsement of Joel from a very credible source. Joel goes on my good guy list.[/QUOTE]

ok by me…we’ll take him off the clown circus list but the rest of the bunch of bananas at Workboat remain just that

[QUOTE=c.captain;166729]nevermind, looking it up and found Cato Institute. You are correct that Heritage is one of the big mouthpieces for trickle down and deregulation. Obviously Max Hardcarbuncle is a sycophant disciple of this bunch.[/QUOTE]

Of all the groups in DC promoting an ideological agenda the Cato Institute is among the better of them. This country was founded on good Libertarian ideals. But like anything else, it’s possible to get too much of a good thing. Extremism in any form that starts to crowd out or demagogue other schools of thought becomes corrosive to our civil society.

btw, changing my pet name for our phoney cretin to Turdburger

I’m going to stick with Max Blowhard. No reason he cannot have a dozen pet names.

I think that sort of stuff is directed at the Cajun Navy.

[QUOTE=z-drive;166712]yes, like don’t wear sunglasses when steering at night or eat raw chicken.[/QUOTE]

I haven’t been overly impressed with his articles recently. His most recent one had a lot of potential but was like two paragraphs long and didn’t actually discuss anything of substance. It left me thinking, “no shit Sherlock.”


At least scooter has a new friend to play with. I’ve had this mental image of his house just totally trashed. I imagine that he’s reading some of these other threads and screaming at his monitor and throwing things all over his house. I don’t know how many of y’all have been popping over to keep up with the running commentary but scooter is firmly entrenched. He may need a supply drop soon. We are gonna have to get all the old hustlers, natural light and cheap dog turd cigars we can gather and drop them behind enemy lines.

I quit posting over there because the guy just keeps talking in circles. He’s definitely got some lawyer in him for sure. I emailed Dave Krapf and he actually responded to me. I typed a short letter that prolly came off as a drive by ranting he could have deleted and moved on. He replied wanting my personal details so he could vet me and publish my opposing views. Personally it seemed like a set up to print my point and allow Max To skewer me without being able to counter. As we see in their forum the man doesn’t really answer any direct questions. At first scooter and I were the main ones aquestiontizing this fella and he was blowing us off. Others soon joined in and he was flippant and dismissive with them as well. I said what I wanted to say, got no decent reply and withdrew. We all know scooter is the best at driving something in the ground and he is still there making us proud. Seems like a few good guys over there who should come over here and drag a stool up to the bar. I hope they do. Im willing to bet this is the most traffic they’ve had for a single article in quite some time. So Max could just be egging it on to get more page views. Then he will go on the Discovery Channel and brag about having the most read blog post ever. Maybe Google will vet his article and Guinness will put him in he record book and he could add that to all his accolades.

I’m gonna have to go over there and read up the comments myself. I haven’t yet.

[QUOTE=LI_Domer;166783]I’m gonna have to go over there and read up the comments myself. I haven’t yet.[/QUOTE]

you need to son…get to watch a master displaying his true craft and see a few teeth fly as well!

Turdburger has proven to be stoopider and more divorced from reality than I ever would have imagined. If he was here on our turf, he’d have been drawn and quartered by the ugly mob long before now. He’s very fortunate.

[QUOTE=Maximus Figmentum;166693]Sir I’m a published author and I’ve been interviewed on TV many times I think I know more about the Jones Act than you do. If you knew all the facts like I do you would know repealing is the right thing. If the companies hire foreign seamen then we would require them to obtain a TWIC. Now if you don’t refrain from speaking about me in such a rude manner you may force my hand…


Wow! TWIC cards? That’s your fucking answer for security protocols when dealing with the Chinese, etc. replacement mariners?

Seeing as you jumped on board the Hawaii Shippers Council boo-hoo band wagon for Jones Act exclusions and/or abolishment let me show you what a Honolulu TWIC card is…

During (2) separate 120 day domestic runs with Matson, I found this was a lot more handy getting in and out of the gate at Sand Island and Pier 1 as late as fall 2010. I can’t tell you how many times no guard had a clue what a TWIC was because those occurrences number in the google range.

But hey, sure TWIC cards for foreign mariners (likely Chinese or Filiponos) on domestic US runs at what is arguably the most ethnically diverse and most certainly most Asian of all US cities will be bulletproof … especially once they insert them in the card reader and enter their PIN.

You clearly don’t have a USCG license and I highly doubt you have a TWIC, let alone know what a joke the thing has been from the start.

Do I dare tell you how many times I’ve been waived through the gate at GOM shipyards simply because, “You look okay…”?
Or should I tell you how I never once showed a TWIC to get in the gate at C-PORT 1 in Fourchon?

What you are proposing is the inevitable domino that leads to tens of thousands and ultimately hundreds of thousands of lost jobs. First it will be Wang Chung Towing and Chimichanga Offshore displacing Americans, then it will be Cream of Some Young Guy Airways and Flight for the Border Lines taking more, and then so on and so on.

You are a fucking idiot. I hope to god Workboat didn’t pay you to write that shit stain article.

[QUOTE=Johnny Canal;166787]You are a fucking idiot. I hope to god Workboat didn’t pay you to write that shit stain article.[/QUOTE]

take a breath Johnny…Maximus Figmentum ain’t really Max Turdberger but a cheap imposteur just like Jeaukx Bawss ain’t really Joe Boss. I still wanna believe they are one and the same but who the FUCK cares anyway?

you are so WRONG Fraq, I never scream or get upset even at an obtuse idiot like Turdburger but rather, as my daughter likes to tell me, that I wear a very distinctive smirk and she instantly knows I’m on gCaptain. I gotta admit that I really have been enjoying myself skewering the Turd over at workboat but he has learned to not try to engage me with direct fire so instead of a gun duel between us, I can only snipe at his when he raises his head out of his trench as he responds to someone else. He knows he can’t win any fight with me but he’ll never concede anything either so my mission is to never stop pointing out the idiotic flaws in every statement he makes especially this gemstone:

“My position is that free trade helps everyone, although at the expense of some.”

trouble is that I can’t abandon my position as I might miss the moment his head pops up so sit here ever vigilant I remain and my malodorousness is becoming a hazard to revealing my position thus an airdrop would be appreciated soon…good list you got started there but I also need soap, deodorant and a couple of hookers to bathe me…

btw Fraq, did you notice Larry Rigdon commented telling the Turd how national security would be compromised if the fool got his dreams realized? Good for Larry!

[QUOTE=c.captain;166792]you are so WRONG Fraq, I never scream or get upset even at an obtuse idiot like Turdburger but rather, as my daughter likes to tell me, that I wear a very distinctive smirk and she instantly knows I’m on gCaptain. I gotta admit that I really have been enjoying myself skewering the Turd over at workboat but he has learned to not try to engage me with direct fire so instead of a gun duel between us, I can only snipe at his when he raises his head out of his trench as he responds to someone else. He knows he can’t win any fight with me but he’ll never concede anything either so my mission is to never stop pointing out the idiotic flaws in every statement he makes especially this gemstone:

trouble is that I can’t abandon my position as I might miss the moment his head pops up so sit here ever vigilant I remain and my malodorousness is becoming a hazard to revealing my position thus an airdrop would be appreciated soon…good list you got started there but I also need soap, deodorant and a couple of hookers to bathe me…

btw Fraq, did you notice Larry Rigdon commented telling the Turd how national security would be compromised if the fool got his dreams realized? Good for Larry![/QUOTE]

For the life of me I do not understand why anyone prints or even reads a thing Max writes. He operated in the grey area, to put it kindly, running decrepit boats in the Caribbean, paying off government officials and in general running around or over almost any law that got in his way. The “ships” he commanded were for the most part broke down FOC supply boats. Recently he made a name for himself as a repo guy on reality TV. Hardly the sort of person any professional group should consider an expert. If he is a spokesman for ending the Jones Act I’d say that speaks volumes for the kind of self serving people that the Jones Act is intended to defend our country and industry against.

You guys go over there and tell them that. Enough people go over there and call this guy out maybe the editors will get the point. He’s not an authority on Jones Act and the fact they allow him to speak on it as so is shameful. The problem with his vetting by all the esteemed institutions he’s mentioned is those people don’t know any better. The majority of people don’t know our world so on the outside he looks like Dirk Pitt. Any of us look at his story connect the dots and knowing what we know see him for what he is.

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;166798]You guys go over there and tell them that. Enough people go over there and call this guy out maybe the editors will get the point. He’s not an authority on Jones Act and the fact they allow him to speak on it as so is shameful. The problem with his vetting by all the esteemed institutions he’s mentioned is those people don’t know any better. The majority of people don’t know our world so on the outside he looks like Dirk Pitt. Any of us look at his story connect the dots and knowing what we know see him for what he is.[/QUOTE]

thank you for this post Fraq…except for the two of us, nobody from here appears to have made any comments against Turdburger’s screed which disappoints me because I cannot think there is a single American mariner in the forum who would in any way support terminating the Jones Act. As far as I am concerned, it alone protects 95% of all US maritime industry jobs. You cannot be a US citizen mariner and not have a dog in the fight.

[QUOTE=c.captain;166803]thank you for this post Fraq…except for the two of us, nobody from here appears to have made any comments against Turdburger’s screed which disappoints me because I cannot think there is a single American mariner in the forum who would in any way support terminating the Jones Act. As far as I am concerned, it alone protects 95% of all US maritime industry jobs. You cannot be a US citizen mariner and not have a dog in the fight.[/QUOTE]

Not everyone uses the gcaptain username cap

[QUOTE=z-drive;166805]Not everyone uses the gcaptain username cap[/QUOTE]

I would hope they would just to cram that down Turdburger’s throat. FUCK this you have to give your full name in order for him to reply to one’s post crap!

[QUOTE=z-drive;166805]Not everyone uses the gcaptain username cap[/QUOTE]

Yes, what z-drive said. I almost never join the comment circus below online stories, but had plenty to say about this one. See the comments from Aaron. That’s me. Also, if anyone is still wondering, according to Hardberger’s books, he holds a Panamanian document. He must have had a US limited license at one time, but who knows what that was or what it was worth. It strikes me that he probably doesn’t care about the Jones Act one way or the other and wrote the column(s) strictly as an ideologue without thinking through what it really means for mariners and shipyards in the US. And that tells me that, despite where he apparently lives (South Louisiana), he doesn’t spend much time talking with the folks who drive the economy there. It’s purely academic for him (and I happen to believe he hails from the wrong academy); it’s a matter of real consequence to us. In the meantime, I offer this (on the WorkboatWear site):

[QUOTE=txh2oman;166807]according to Hardberger’s books, he holds a Panamanian document. He must have had a US limited license at one time, but who knows what that was or what it was worth. [/QUOTE]

no need at all for him to have every held any US license to hold a Panamanian one because the dates of his commanding these rusty unseaworthy cockroach infested vessels predated even the original STCW Code yet alone 1995 one we have all come to love. Back in the 70’s when he was supposedly sailing on GoM OSVs, licenses were “granted” by the USCG based only on experience presented without any examination. Then I believe in the 80’s during the years of his owning and commanding the ERICKA (or whatever the POS vessel’s name was) that a Panamanian master’s license was obtainable purely on paying them the requisite fee. I have no reason whatsoever to believe that Turdburger ever has held a valid certificate issued by any nation signatory to the 1995 STCW Convention which would have defacto invalidated any certificate he held previously including one from Panama. I say if the man holds anything at all, it is a wad of soiled toiletpaper with his name all over it!