Dear All,
I am a final year Deck Cadet studying at the University of Plymouth. I am undertaking the daunting task of creating a Dissertation, entitled The Use of VHF and AIS as aids to Collision Avoidance.
Whilst there are countless reports of collisions occurring as a direct result of the miss use of VHF and/or AIS, and various legislation warning of the risks involved, both are still integral parts of the navigational bridge.
The purpose of my study is to explore the opinions and experiences, to gain a consensus on the use of VHF and AIS as aids to Collision Avoidance. Therefore, I am happy to invited you to participate in the following questionnaire; as Navigational Officers, be that newly qualified, with many years of experience, or retired, your practical knowledge and understanding is very valuable to the validity and success of my study.
There are no right or wrong answers and completion only takes 5 - 10 minutes. Confidentiality is guaranteed, with no names required. The completion of the questionnaire is entirely voluntary and you are free to withdraw from it at any time.
Your participation would enable me to compile a successful Dissertation and I would be truly thankful!
Further to this, if anybody knows of any relevant documentation, MAIB reports for example or other similar studies, I would be very interested to read them!
If you have any questions about my questionnaire or study, I am more than happy to answer them.
[FONT=Verdana]Thank you very much
Brianne Jane Wright