I am a student at the University of Plymouth, UK conducting research into the effects of the widespread introduction of AIS in the leisure industry. I am asking both leisure users and professional mariners their opinion on AIS as a system and its uses. It would be really useful to hear your views on this hardware.
Please follow the link to answer a short questionnaire on AIS
AIS Questionnaire
A little about myself…
I have been sailing dinghies and yachts most of my life and enjoy every minute of it. I currently study Marine Studies (Merchant Shipping) and have 13 months of sea time as a cadet on a 88000DWT bulk carrier. I really enjoy the seagoing life, hopefully getting my OOW next summer. I was very impressed with AIS when I started using it on my first ship in 2006 therefore decided to do dissertation on it. I believe that the increased visibility of small craft that AIS will present to ships is spectacular.
Well thank you for reading my post and please ask if you have any questions.
I just sent in my answers, and am glad to know we can help maritime cadets internationally with their studies.
Me too.
I think Class B AIS is great, as long as I can filter it. What would be even better is if there wasn’t Class B AIS.
Let’s keep those yacthies from getting hold of another toy they can screw things up with. Encourage 'em to carry AIS receivers so they can impress their friends with their cluttered plotter display and perhaps even use it to stay the hell out of my way. But don’t let them transmit!