Northern Marine Management works with Crowley to crew Crowley’s Tanker Security Program Stena owned vessels.
A very reliable source told me AMO was sending emails out looking for steam engineers, so it sounds like it will be US crewed. If I was still sailing I’d toss my name is as since I have a 2AE steam. Steam was fun and it would be an interesting project to part of.
AMO crewed the Aquarius class Quincy built vessels from 2000 to 2005 before they were reflagged to a foreign registry. AMO also has at least 6 LNG powered vessels in its fleet currently.
For deck officers, both AMO and MEBA has still has some LNG endorsed officers floating around. In the past AMO deck officers were working on foreign flag LNG ships while MEBA deck officers were working on Exmar/ Excelerate foreign flag LNG ships.
Buying an LNG old LNG tanker and flagging it into the US seems like a stupid idea. Unless it can get a Jones Act Waiver? Why not keep it foreign flag it’s cheaper.
The LNG powered ships don’t really have any relevance to and LNG carrier. The Basic IGF Code class doesn’t have any crossover with what’s required to sail on an LNG tanker.
After asking around, sounds like Crowley has a good group to pick from within AMO.
As for the LNG powered vessels, I meant specifically engineers with relevant experience dealing with LNG as a fuel. Beyond that I don’t know much about the requirements.