Siu-inland companies?

What companies have SIU inland employees?
Kirby is a good company I’ve heard wifh high pay and some SIU inalnd tugs. Crowley is the largest maritime employer and supposedly a mixed bag of good and shit shows whom also has SIU inland tugs. Who else has SIU inland employees? Do they employ engineers, Mates, unlicensed deckhands/ engineers? Crowley has all deck positions and Dde 4000 and above Engineers. Kirby has the same. Do you know of any other SIU inland companies?

G&H Towing.

They’re ship assist for Houston/Corpus/Freeport & Galveston/Texas City - SIU from Captain/Mate/Engineer to Deckhand/Oiler

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Centerline in NY was SIU inland when they were Harley. Not sure if they still are.
I believe the captains were management and everyone else was siu inland.

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Some of the harbor tug companies in the Ms river are SIU

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Run from centerline


Crescent Towing on Miss River is SIU from top to bottom but their tugs are quite old and antiquated. EN Bisso has SIU for Engs & DH’s. Moran and Bisso Towing are non-union.


What’s the story over there?

Promise the world to you, tons of captains left end of 2023 , port managers get pissed you leave claim the company is improving blah blah then all the port captains and operations guys also quit . Band aids on equipment , can’t fix the pins cause parts are 27 months on back order from Japan etc etc. better not buy shampoo on the grub card. Petty things we shouldn’t have to deal with. But also stuff that happens everywhere else. Pay checks always cash thought

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