Ship handling books

As I’ve gone through bridge sim and shiphandling classes I’ve become more and more interested in ship handling. Can anyone reccomend any good books on the subject?

It’s a challenging read (the diagrams help) and the book itself is hard to find but CMA’s library should have a copy… Ship Dynamics for Mariners

It’s a challenging read (the diagrams help) and the book itself is hard to find but CMA’s library should have a copy… Ship Dynamics for Mariners

Also try your local public library systemand if they don’t have it you can get on list to have it shipped to your branch for free.
I did it a long time ago :cool: Ahem, but not sure what they require for online ordering.

I am in the same boat so-to-speak. I bought “Behavior and Handling of Ships” by Hooyer from It wasn’t too expensive, but it only deals with single screw and is geared toward the larger vessels. It’s is a good read. Please post any other books you might find, especially if you find twin screw or z-drive stuff. Bluewater Books & Charts has a wide selection of other technical books as well, and has always been good about shipping etc.

The Shiphandler’s Guide by Captain R.W. Rowe is an excellent reference for anyone interested in shiphandling. It is a Nautical Institute publication so it is a little pricey, but it is worth every penny. If I had to buy only one it would be that. Another good one is Shiphandling with Tugs 2nd edition by Jeff Slesinger. It is a Cornell Maritime Press publication. It has a lot of good information on working with conventional, Voith, and Z-drives from the perspective of a Captain of a tug. A good place to look for other shiphandling reference books is the references that pilot associations use for their tests. I believe the SE Alaska pilots publish theirs online.

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My favorite “Shiphandling for the Mariner” by Daniel H. Macelrevey

It is one of the listed reference books for CG testing.