Can someone explain what each lever does or refer me to an explanation .Thanks.
The big round thing is the wheel.
I recognise that from the old days.
Some don’t even have a wheel!
The easiest way to find out is to get hold of the manual and read it.
Or RTFM as we usually say.
That looks like two azimuting thruster controls, two rudder controls and a dual pitch (?) control. Why they would be on the same console like that is beyond me. A sales display of some kind?
Great.I didn’t think about de pitch.
Lego Bridge?
When I first started,we either had wheels or two handle bars on the push and / or tug boats. Captain/Mate encouraged me to use the hand held electric steering. Took me a while as I felt the sticks told me where the rudder was at without looking at the indicator. That’s all changed of course, and fancied the electric steering., One of the later tugs I worked on had a sweet Sperry unit with a small metal wheel. Loved it. Throttles are, well throttles. Listen to your engines and engineers. Never had to deal with bow thrusters or controllable pitch propellors. . Just more shit to go wrong when you least need it to happen. JMHO
Exactly.The ferry Saaremaa has allisioned the dock in Godbout ,Quebec,Canada, for second time.
This one?:
She is a double-ended car/pax ferry with diesel/electric propulsion
But the control panel looks nothing like the OP picture. (??)

This is what I was trying to imagine, in order to explain the complexity of manoeuvring these vessels.Super!
It ain’t that hard. The ferries go to mostly the same docks, have reasonable expectation of tides and currents. Wind perhaps makes it interesting. The vessel has controls that allows you to do the job. This ain’t rocket science. Just situational awareness to adapt to changing conditions. Any boat/shiphandler can get into a problem, the alert ones know they fucked up and know what to do for plan “B”. It’s never the same on an approach or sailing. Kinda like all our jobs.
In this case there was mecanical failure.But they do have to turn 100° in currant and wind.
The newer ferries even have “Auto Docking” facilities:
Of course if there is a blackout, or other mechanical faults it doesn’t help whatever fancy controls you have in the wheelhouse.
Lost me on the 100 degrees. As bug said, lose the plant, all bets are off. Shit happens.