Seasoned commercial fishermen needs guidance navigating the USCG Licensing

Hello all,

I need some advice. I am 56 years old, and have been a commercial fisherman my whole life, and I would like to find a job in the Gulf on one of the oilfield services vessels to take my out through retirement.

I have about 5,000 days at sea over 40 years, much of it in the wilds of Alaska. Most on small boats 25GT. Done the Deadliest Catch thing when younger. Lots of navigation and engineering experiance. I do have some tonnage time both on deck and engineering on a 99GT vessel.

I don’t have the time or inclination to go to one of the fancy schools and sit with a bunch of youngsters. I have been reading about all the different licenses and it eventually becomes alphabet soup.

I was thinking about just studying and taking the AB and QMED tests, but not sure what initial qualifications are good enough to get me a job. Both the QMED and AB endorsements come in different varieties. What do employers want?

I figure I could get a position on deck of something with some tonnage, and then sit for the Captains test.

Some basic advice would be great, as this gets a little confusing and not growing up in the USCG licensing environment leaves me at loss.

I would like a steady paycheck, but don’t have it clear in my head the best path to take.

Thanks ahead.