Sea Level Rise Projections, Reality or Hype?

You are right that is Archimedes’ principle, which states that ’ Any body completely or partially submerged in a fluid at rest is acted upon by an upward force the magnitude of which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body ’ as formulated by

The ice berg is frozen freshwater (with some air bubbles) the Sp.g- is slightly <1.0 The liquid it floats in is salt water w/Sp.g. approx… 1.025
Hence the weight of the seawater it displace and the weight of the ice berg is the same, but the volume is different.

That is correct, because Arctic sea ice is frozen seawater (with some snow cover) floating in seawater, so it makes little difference in volume when melting…
As you say;: I learnt that in primary school.

If a glass is full to the brim and you add anything to it, it overflows. It doesn’t matter what is in the glass and what you add. (Even sticking your finger in)

There are glass cubes that when added to good scotch don’t dilute anything.

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Yes 3 drops makes scotch taste smoother. A captain I worked with with parents from the highlands of Scotland showed me that.

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Yes but you still need to take a sip first, :joy: before you drop it in a full glass.:laughing:

sorry I typed that wrong, you are right based on my comment.
What I meant was have freashwater ice cubes in a glass full of seawater and when they melt it wont overflow

It rained in Greenland!!!
Not a surprise if we are talking about Nuuk, the capital:

But when it rain on the Greenland Ice Sheet it is “World News”:

I know it is a “leftie” news channel, so not everybody want to even peep at it, but pictures don’t lie (except it they have been Photoshopped):

Yes I know; you can find websites that say "the Greenland ice sheet is growing:

Or that says; sea levels have always risen and fallen and been MUCH higher before:

At the time the US Mid-West was an inland sea and look at it now, the world’s bread basket, so don’t worry.

What about in newer times? NASA take a look at it from space;

OK, NASA is a Gov. organization and you cannot trust anything the Gov. say.

Besides, when the ice melt Greenland will rise, just like the Himalayas, Andes and Norway are still rising from the last ice ages.
So it makes no difference anyhow. (In Nuuk)

Melting ice from Greenland has been estimated to contribute between 0.6 to 0.8 mm/yr to the overall sea level rise rate. At this rate the meltwater would add about 2 inches to the sea level by 2100. If the melt rate for Greenland ice doubled between now and 2100 then we would expect a total contribution of just over 3 inches…Even if there was a 10 fold increase (from 0.7 mm/yr to 7 mm/yr), then we would expect a total sea level rise contribution from Greenland to be about 1 foot.

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