Research study: safety paperwork at sea

Hi All!
I’m back at college after 27 years at sea. As part of my BSc in Marine Operations at the University of Sunderland, I’m doing my dissertation on safety clutter (safety paperwork that doesn’t contribute to operational safety) in the Merchant Navy.

I’m looking for input from as wide a range of deck and engineering officers and cadets as possible. If you’re in this category and have time, it would be helpful if you could fill in the survey and spread it around.

The fine print:

  1. It uses google forms, so google will probably know who fills it in. Google doesn’t tell me, so it’s anonymous at my end as long as you don’t deliberately enter your details.
  2. It’ll be open until 21 March

Survey link is here:

If you have any questions, send me a message.

Thanks for your help!