Reflagging a Ship?

How do companies go about reflagging a ship (To U.S.)? What is involved? Any good articles on the matter (I couldn’t turn up any). Thanks!

I might be barking up the wrong tree but I do not think that you can reflag a vessel to US unless it was built here in the first place. If it was built foreign, it cannot be reflagged US.

I don’t know the exact process but here is something.
A foreign built vessel most certainly [B]can[/B] be reflagged US. Ask Doug Pine about Majestic Blue.

I’m pretty sure the Majestic Blue was originally built in the USA, just like the Pacific Breeze was. Both were reflagged Korean and then back to US. Not positive about the MAB but I am sure about the PAB

A ship can be reflagged US if it was built foreign, it is just restricted from US trade (sailing between US ports). It is possible for it to sail internationally once reflagged.

I found this article that describes the process from the Coast Guard’s Proceedings. I happen to currently work on this ship but that was just a coincidence, it was the first thing I could find.

A lot of foreign ships have been reflaged to the United States. Most of them have done it under the Maritime Security Program. Maersk is undoubtedly the largest company to do this (Maersk Alabama is one). On one hand, it is sucking money from the tax payers. On the other, it is providing a butt load of jobs.

[QUOTE=JP;33489]I’m pretty sure the Majestic Blue was originally built in the USA, just like the Pacific Breeze was. Both were reflagged Korean and then back to US. Not positive about the MAB but I am sure about the PAB[/QUOTE]

Majestic Breeze was built by Astilleros Maritima Del Musel, a Spanish company.

M/V Baffin Strait is flagged US but built (poorly) in WuHu, China. I guess the USCG gives a waiver if the ship isn’t working in the Jones Act trade.