Print on Demand Chart Corrections

Does anyone know of a way to correct cancelled paper charts or at least find an easy way to see corrections for a particular area?

The OSV I’m on is a paper chart with an ECDIS. We’ve been continuing to update the ECDIS as always, but since all paper charts in our inventory have been cancelled, we’ve found no way to get updates for our charts. Are there any options to bring legal besides becoming full ECDIS compliant?

Nope. You need another $20,000 ECDIS.

Cancelled charts do not meet USCG requirements.

Might be worth looking into before spending $$$. Chart corrections of POD charts has been discussed here but not fully resolved.

This is the 2025 Coast Pilot:

Nautical Chart—New Editions and Corrections (73) New editions of paper Print-on-Demand (POD) charts are available on the Monday after NOAA clears new edition for release. Once the authorized POD chart is available, it meets federal chart carriage requirements, and should be put into service immediately. It should be updated from the last correction and cleared through dates shown in the lower left corner of the chart. (74) The chart date is of vital importance to the navigator.
When charted information becomes obsolete, further use of the chart for navigation is dangerous. Natural and
artificial changes, many of them critical, are occurring constantly; therefore it is important that navigators use up-to-date charts. Nautical charts and publications are available for purchase from authorized POD agents and their sales outlets. (75) NOAA’s “Nautical Chart Update” website allows mariners to update their nautical charts from one database that includes information from NOAA, NGA U.S. Notice to Mariners, U.S. Coast Guard Local Notices to Mariners and the Canadian Coast Guard Notices to Mariners at: U.S. Office of Coast Survey.