NOAA is sponsoring two webinars on the future of paper charts. The first is on the nautical chart cancellation process, timelines, and strategic approach on Apr 22, 2021 1:00 PM EDT. Register at: Registration (
i believe i heard a few years ago NOAA was limiting the amount of paper charts they were going to produce and trying to go to a all electronic format … (which i assume is all ready here), i suppose the paper issue will cost and have to be ordered?
I expect those who still want paper will have similar options as they do today; download for free and print yourself, or order a print from a certified chart agent. Since NOAA hasn’t produced physical paper for a number of years now, that means the actual process for the end user wouldn’t change much at all.
What will be different is that printed content will not be the raster charts you may know and love; instead it will be the output from the new custom chart tool. So if by paper you specifically meant those lovingly hand-crafted raster charts, those will be going away entirely over the next few years.
Did anyone watch the recent NOAA webinar covering the “Nautical chart cancellation process, timelines, and strategic approach” ??? I was at sea, and missed it. Anything noteworthy?