[QUOTE=pissedoffmaster;53885]I have been a licensed Master for 15 years and always had a little trouble with the plate tests. I went to a clinic in my new town and the doctor only had a litmus test, which I did not pass.
He emailed the NMC and told them I failed the color vision test. I was then contacted by the NMC and was told I had to go to my local USCG office to take a color vision test for them.
I went yesterday and I was given the Ishihara plate test as well as the Dvorine plate test. I passed on the Ishihara test but failed the Dvorine one.
I have always taken the Ishihara tests in the past and have always passed them.
I guess what I need to know is if i passed one out of two will they let me keep my license???
I have 15 years of inland towing experience with no accidents and now they are threatening to take my livelihood away.
I am now sitting here in limbo while they “look at all the figures.” What???
How hard can it be???
Thanks for listening to my rant.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like you passed Ishihara, which is on the list of accepted tests. I don’t see why the USCG administers medical tests. I think this is a good “Ask Capt_Anonymous” question. Knowing him, he’ll get to the bottom of it for you.
[QUOTE=dougpine;53886]Sounds like you passed Ishihara, which is on the list of accepted tests. I don’t see why the USCG administers medical tests. I think this is a good “Ask Capt_Anonymous” question. Knowing him, he’ll get to the bottom of it for you.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for your reply Doug. How do I go about asking Capt_Anonymous a question?
I just had my physical yesterday. I actually read the ‘vision’ directions. It says: " The following color sense testing methodologies are acceptable." If you can pass one, you should be good to go. Not two but one. The form does not say ‘must pass all types’. It says: “The practitioner must indicate the test (singular) used and the amount of errors.” I would imagine you would have to argue the wording. Good luck.
I also thought it was just one so I was very surprised that after passing the Ishihara test they then took out the Dvorine. If I passed the first one why the hell give me the second one as well???
I tell you these people just love to control every facet of our lives!!!
Has anyone told you if this is going to get worse in the future? If you get ten or fifteen years down the road and get shut out later, what happens then?
I also think you should really consider your own concerns about being able to do the job. That’s up to you and only you to decide.
Of course all this superman physical stuff is only doing to get worse.
For Christsakes, why don’t you hire a good license consultant, and ask him to help you find a top notch eye doctor, with a lot of expert witness experience, and then present the facts in the proper way to the USCG…
[QUOTE=ConfusedSailer;52992]Ok so im a deckie and just finished my freshman year at a maritime academy, but while i was on the training cruise i noticed i had trouble identifying the colors of the ships lights on the horizon. So when i got home i went to the eye doctors and found out that im slightly colorblind with reds and greens when it comes to identifying them at far distances. i have NO trouble identifying colors around me, i know the grass is green, sky is blue, and stop lights dont give me any trouble. im not all out colorblind but i do have trouble with the greens and reds of lights on the horizon. I got an “acceptable” on a coast guard accepted test, then failed another type of color eye test. Is this a big problem? Im not sure now with all the technology such as ecdis whether you need to solely rely on tiny dots of color you see on the horizon. Would i be the only 3rd mate who has trouble with this? And if thats the case should i pick a new career while its not too late? Or is it not a big deal.[/QUOTE]
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