Color Vision Testing With Companies

Long time lurker here and finally decided to make my first post, which, unfortunately, may be a bit of a stupid question.

I am headed to Cal Maritime in a few months (deck) and I wanted to be sure I was medically up to par, so I went and took a physical with the standards provided by the USCG to be eligible for my MMC. I passed everything just fine until I hit the color vision testing. Although I did pass the color vision test, I really had to take my time and struggled quite a bit with it. The doctor said I had nothing to worry about as long as I really focused on the cards.

Well, even though he said that, I[I] am[/I] a bit worried. What I fear is that when I am hired by a company they will put me through their physical screening (which I assume contains a vision screen as well?). When I get to the color vision stage and they see me struggling, that they will fail me. And then after all of this schooling I will not be able to find a job due to my eyes (even though the Coast Guard says I’m medically fine).

So my question is this - Will me struggling with the color vision test pose an issue with getting hired by a company? Is my concern even a valid one or is this just a case of over-thinking?

I should add that I am in no way worried about my safety on the water. I have been sailing the waterways here for some time now, both day and night, and have never once had trouble identifying colors of buoys or other objects enroute.

I struggle with the color vision test I have to take every year. Just so you are aware you have other options. Find out which one you are comfortable with and request it in the future

As long as you can pass farnsworth lantern test you’ll be fine. I have the same problem w the ishihara aka dot test and I just request the lantern test.

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