Pilot boats, pilot embarking and disembarking ships

So why the title Female Pilot, why not just pilot?

Sorry the faceache title was Woman Pilot

Don’t be sorry, be …
Looks similar to this one:

No mention of gender. Does this meet with your approval?

Yes thanks,

Peace, can’t find the emoji,

Looks like a Safehaven Interceptor

Wasn’t picking a fight,


And I would guess an Aframax tanker in ballast, gosh I am such an anorak :fearful:

May have missed the sensible comments.
Hopefully it wasn’t the shit tank discharging whilst the pilot boat was coming alongside.
I didn’t have my glasses on but shouldn’t the ladder have spreaders on?
Regardless, is any cargo worth that level of risk?

Well done though, well done.

Bugg’s last posted video was departure Sydney. I see these combination ladder arrangements, have used many and fail to understand why a chain preventer is not attached to the gangway in the event of parting wire falls. It should be mandated.


A better way for pilots to get safely to/from a ship underway?:

Any comments from our pilots (or others) on the forum?

Looks like the ship and pilot boat have approximately the same deck height above the sea.
How would this debarkation route work with a vastly higher (larger) ship and out in swell?

I’m guessing the leap from ladder to platform might get “sporty”.

Yes I expected that question.
It is a SWAT vessel so they MAY be able to adjust the freeboard quickly, but only to some degree.
Otherwise I think you are right, that jumping from the pilot ladder and onto the movable platform on this pilot boat v.v. could be “sporty”.

PS> Whether it is more “sporty” than to jump onto the deck of any other type of pilot boat is debatable:

A SWAT vessel tend to have less heave, roll and pitch than a single hull vessel.

Sure. It works when the freeboard works. When it doesn’t, they put a ladder out and they use the same sliding platform.

There are some ships that are an easy step across for various pilot boats. But it’s not that common.

being the captain of the pilot transfer boat looks like a fun job… I wonder what those guys do all day when they aren’t actively in the process of transferring or retrieving the pilot?

Maintain the boats, maintain the station, there’s a lot to do outside of just driving boats.

What would the pilots say abt below conditions?

  1. Location : Sines PB grounds

  2. Location : Sines PB grounds
