Paperwork on the bridge

I wonder if the never-ending generation of paperwork had anything to do with the Baltic Ace sinking?

Like any other regulated industry the paperwork will only continue to increase. Regulators need to continue creating regulations or they will be out of a job.

Maybe there could be an AIS classification - “Paperwork on bridge in progress. Keep clear”

You aren’t kidding. Add in the US factor and having to deal with the US EPA (Vessel General Permit, governing 28+ discharges), it gets even worse, especially for Chief Engineers. I see a real growth opportunity for ambitious 1st A/Es and Chief Mates. They will be the effective “HSIC” (Head Sucka In Charge) in their respective departments.

As I said in another thread, I believe it was most likely fatigue. I’ve been to Zebrugge on a Ro/Ro, and it was probably the most fatiguing port call I’ve ever had on a ship. If their call was anything like ours, it was a 24 hour call, with 2 lock transits, non stop cargo, and at least one shift to another berth.

It doesn’t seem likely that someone doing paperwork would be as likely to alter to port as someone who was fatigued. If paperwork was the problem, the Ace probably wouldn’t have made any course change.

we had an unwritten rule that the only question to ask a 2nd mate before you employed him was how many words per minute can he type
80m ahts, full size photocopier, 2 printers + 4 PC’s on the bridge +your gmdss kit 2 printers+dp2 kit 1 printer+navtex 1 printer+fuel logger 1 printer
If only Greenpeace knew who much paper is generated on board…

Did you know that the EPA’s VGP also regulates leaky toilets??? You can’t make this stuff up

Speaking of paperwork, is everyone aware that there is no more paper overboard come January? Only food waste beyond 12 miles! New black-water regulations next?

In our company, zero discharge has been implemented long time ago…i am for it anyways.

Our company even says no food over board no matter how far offshore. After a couple of weeks of old food built up…wow. Talk about stink lol

Food waste can only be discharged outside of 12 miles and only after it had been ground to less than 1 inch. This is for the Wider Caribbean Region which includes the entire Gulf of Mexico as defined in Marpol Annex V. Effective January 1st.

I am going to miss doing the paperwork for dumping slop.

[QUOTE=Capt ETC;90448]Food waste can only be discharged outside of 12 miles and only after it had been ground to less than 1 inch. This is for the Wider Caribbean Region which includes the entire Gulf of Mexico as defined in Marpol Annex V. Effective January 1st.

I am going to miss doing the paperwork for dumping slop.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up fellows, I had heard about this but almost let it slip through the cracks…

So…if no paper is allowed, what about the toilet paper in the sewage tanks?

[QUOTE=“Capt ETC;90448”]Food waste can only be discharged outside of 12 miles and only after it had been ground to less than 1 inch. This is for the Wider Caribbean Region which includes the entire Gulf of Mexico as defined in Marpol Annex V. Effective January 1st.

I am going to miss doing the paperwork for dumping slop.[/QUOTE]

Citation please?

[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;90598]Citation please?[/QUOTE]




Thank you. I’m not sure anyone on my boat is aware of this coming change, I will let everyone know when I go back to work.