Overboard containers list, was thinking might get some good info here but so far just getting negative response

Thank you, I have not thought of that that might come in useful

Agreed, everything would be video recorded to get if readable container number and placards and the shape of container one method might not work for all , after locating and marking I’ll go after the easy first

Maybe you should reach out to the Eyesea people:


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Nobility of his proposal? I’ve got to run for the toilet.

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I’m not the right guy for the job and as soon as I can get someone better I will, as far as containers go I use to own a truck and hauled them for about 10+ years , worked as a truck mechanic, I do propane service and delivery work, I’m not the type that says I can’t do that is someone else does it I can figure it out to , I’m limited on ocean experience and I know that’s a issue with some but I see know one else stepping up , I don’t need the money I make good at what I do and married to a Rn so I’m ok there, I’m aware of what it will take to do this but the more the more information I find the more I see something needs to be done, a container ship breaks in half so they don’t have to deal with it they tow it into international waters to let it sink

It doesn’t have to be a non-profit. Salvage law exists. Figure out the commercial viability of conducting this type of salvage work.

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I think that’s why he’s looking for start-up money to come from donations. There’s no financial incentive for ocean salvage companies to touch this. The planet is facing a slew of impending environmental disasters and nobody cares about containers rusting on bottom of the ocean. Is that a strong enough reason to start a movement? I don’t think so.
How would you even locate the floaters? Sail boaters bang into them about as often as Orcas chew their rudders off, they pick up the pieces and move on. You’d go broke trying to find a single container.

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This right here… “No Cure, No Pay”

Though a salvaged waterlogged Lambo or Ferrari isn’t going to pay many bills when you salvage it, you may be able to make a case in admiralty court for an enhanced salvage award for protecting the environment. You’re gonna want to have a damn good maritime law attorney on your team though to cash out on it.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Better value per dollar spent on measures to prevent boxes from going over the side in the first place. For example fine the shipping lines for each box lost.


And if you do find and recover one then discover it contains a load of contaminated methylethelinstantdeath you now own it and have re$ponsibility for its dispo$al.


Better still; find a way to lash the boxes so they are kept in place, even in extreme condition.
Like having full heigth container guides for deck cargo:

ACL has tried it on their ConRos:

ACL’s record proves that there’s a solution to the problem but evidently the industry doesn’t care. NOAA wants to impose speed limits to prevent ship collisions with whales but no one makes a possible connection between sunken containers leaking toxic chemicals and pods of whales washing up dead on beaches.

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I think hatchless container vessels were penalised by tonnage rules.

Dear God
That’s going to solve the problem of ocean transport.
3800 containers and a few trucks

God bless America

Not that particular ship, or ship type, but the full height container guides for deck cargo:

God help America.

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He’s obviouly a troll but what makes you think he’s American? The USCG doesn’t issue Master “Unrestricted” licenses. And yet you claim that you don’t have a bias against Americans.

What make you think he is NOT American?
Nobody else issue “Master Unrestricted”, or “Pilot Unrestricted” licenses either.
The old definition was "Master Unlimited. (Today STCW license codes are used by most flag states)

PS> His lack of reading comprehension doesn’t automatically make him non-American.

I think “unrestricted” licenses come in the paper bag when you spend ten bucks (100 krones, kronas, kroners? whatever) on one of these:

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Not even God can help present day America.