Here is one for the mathematical geniuses on the forum:
And for the experts of the English (UK) language:
Why is the chief wearing commander’s stripes?
That is FOC style. But You have not seen the best yet . Here it is - my schoolmate whom me and others in class always considered as effing ZEALOT :
He was so proud abt his compliance and spreaded it across the fleet via email. Unfortunately we had to excuse him for his zealotry as it turned out this covid outfit was required in SMS of his ISM manager.
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From a well known artist:
PS> The paint bucket is a dead giveaway to who made the original drawing…
All bovines eat grass and fart and yet they ( green people) want to recreate herds of milions of bisons. Can not get the logic. Think , Bill Gates knows all the answers.
Going into engineering berthing area wearing a mask while crossing the Equator might not be a bad idea.
You don’t, that’s the problem.
Bison Emissions. According to the research, the high end for the methane production of a single bison under controlled conditions and fed sun-cured alfalfa pellets (not prairie forage) is up to 30 kg per year. This is likely unnaturally high because of the unnatural diet the bison were fed in this study. But, since we do not have the natural number, we can go with this higher number. Thus, 45 million bison that roamed the pre-European invasion prairies could have potentially produced 1.35 billion kg of methane per year.
Cow Emissions. Now let’s look at cows. On average, mature U.S. beef cows emit between 54 and 62 kg/year of methane for an average of 58 kg/year. Dairy cows emit between 181 and 218 kg/year of methane for an average of 200 kg/year. Both these beef cattle and dairy cow numbers include the methane emissions from the management of the manure the animals produce. But notice, not all “cow” emissions are the same.
This misleading bison-cattle comparison is making the rounds again. First, it’s important to note that methane (CH4), the gas in question here, has 23-28 times the warming potential as a gree…
A friend named O’Connell said an Irishman is never drunk if he can hold onto one blade of grass and not fall off the face of the earth.
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