Obama on Jay Leno

Did anyone catch this?

OBAMA: I don’t know. As you know, for the last three years, I’ve said, let’s work together. Let’s find a financing mechanism and let’s go ahead and fix our bridges, fix our roads, sewer systems, our ports. You know, the Panama Canal is being widened so that these big supertankers can come in. Now, that will be finished in 2015. If we don’t deepen our ports all along the Gulf — places like Charleston, South Carolina, or Savannah, Georgia, or Jacksonville, Florida — if we don’t do that, those ships are going to go someplace else. And we’ll lose jobs. Businesses won’t locate here.

At least he is thinking about it.

Obama is an idiot! He was told what to say by a professional PR. Person! He’s a puppet with a hand up his a?!!

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LOL…the GoM has three new ports!

They don’t teach American geography in Kenya

Can’t wait for Senator Ted Cruz to run for the Office Eh??? Add rim shot here.