New Maritime Instagram Account Goes for the jugular

Not surprised to hear these stories from the east coast academy regiments, always sounded super toxic to keep a bunch of college kids on a tight leash playing soldier. Attracts a weird sort.


And thereā€™s certainly none of that at seaā€¦


No, for sure, it just seems like the regiment culture and the cadet party culture breeds this kind of harassment above and beyond the already high baseline of a very macho industry.

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Macho my ass. The industry is turning into a bunch of Progressive snowflake kids with zero seamanship skills. Canā€™t even watch Fox News anymore in the mess.


Whatā€™s a snowflake kid exactly? What constitutes someone being a snowflake?

Not having the same opinions as ItsJody,


^^^ what he said.

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Someone with a sense of entitlement, extremely emotional and easily offended. Throw in the fact that they are not able to accept opposing views and you have yourself a snowflake. At least thatā€™s what the google box Wikipedia says. Canā€™t say I disagree.

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ā€œNot able to accept opposing viewsā€ kinda sounds like someone whoā€™s pissed that the ā€œkidsā€ working around him are ā€œprogressiveā€ and ā€œtrying to save the worldā€

Thereā€™s nothing snowflake about being a victim of sexual assault or harassment.


Those stories make me sick.

How one could relate stories of women being sexually assaulted on US flag vessels to hating snowflakesā€¦itā€™s just such an absurd and suspicious thing to say. Suspicious in the extreme actually.

ā€œThese women were brutally harassed and assaulted on these US flag vesselsā€

ā€œYeh? Well I hate snowflakes!!!ā€



I was referring to the maritime meme pages, not this particular page that does not post memes. Talking about the new age academy grads in general. Pipe down now lads. There is no room for sexual harassment on a vessel.

Sure Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m a snowflake. Thatā€™s what great about this country is that we are all entitled to our own opinion. The difference is, I have no problem admitting something.

Most of the meme pages are just funny content about day to day stuff and making funny jabs at people and events. What this guy is doing is different. I initially followed and was supporting the ideas being laid out for me but has the account progressed and got a bigger following it seemed like the owner was developing a huge superiority and savior complex where this issue could not be fixed without him and he was going to be the one to save all women. This I donā€™t agree with.

Are most of these stories probably true? Yes. Is there a problem in the industry? Yes, but I think there are better ways to go about it. I believe his heart is in the right place but heā€™s trying to single handily bulldoze a mountain while falling on his own sword. Just my take.


Was the guy really in MMP and kicked out? I never even heard of him. Most people I know who follow him say he started off fairly interesting and well written but has a habit now of straying off topic, such as his 1979 SUNY yearbook post he inexplicably linked to the schoolā€™s current Admiral.

Also folks sharing stories about other peopleā€™s experiences, using their real names without permission to do so is something else he fails to frown upon, despite his fancy legal education.

Good intentions acknowledged and aside - he strikes me as a dolt.


Well now heā€™s just threatening to sue everybody who took the ball home from the ball field. Seems like the cause is sort of lost with him.


Wow this guy really has an axe to grind against some mate, I wonder how all this led to him getting thrown out of MMP


If he was a Chief Mate and an A-Book when it happened, it had to be serious. By that level you have to be a monumental snake or fuck up really bad to get tossed.


It sounds like his complaints/suit/whatever the proper term for it was is what got him thrown out. From his account, he simply reported the incidents and I guess wasnā€™t believed and they threw him out.

Side note, there is now an Instagram meme page dedicated to trashing this guyā€¦and itā€™s hilarious.

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Whatā€™s the name of that one? I know some folks out there sailing and working at the schools who would love to follow that.