
What’s going on with MMP? I hear they have a number of 3/M and 2/M jobs open and they can’t fill them. This was never the case when I was there! Are they open because people don’t have the proper classes like small arms, or just not enough people? Seems like a great way for fresh academy guys to move up quickly.

As I understand it, the deck classes have become much smaller and the engineering classes much larger at the academies. There isn’t the glut of new mates every year that there use to be.

There is a lot more money in drilling and offshore, so not much incentive for lower wage traditional shipping.

A lot of guys also are looking to work 21/21 or 28/28. There are a lot of jobs out there right now. When you have an options to go to the GOM and work even time for really good $, go work OSG tankers for 75/75 or 90/90, or get the latest MMP job aboard Maersk Alabama bouncing around the East coast of Africa and the Middle East for 120 days at a time, it’s pretty easy to say no thanks to MMP.

I think also the word has always been spread that new guys will starve sitting in the hall only to get night mate jobs so most don’t bother joining the mmp.

[QUOTE=tugsailor;139500]As I understand it, the deck classes have become much smaller and the engineering classes much larger at the academies. There isn’t the glut of new mates every year that there use to be. [/QUOTE]

and you would be wrong as you know as much about academies as you do regarding the AMO and its tendencies to influence officer wages.

stick to talking about tugs…

[QUOTE=GLMASailor;139511]…or get the latest MMP job aboard Maersk Alabama bouncing around the East coast of Africa and the Middle East for 120 days at a time, it’s pretty easy to say no thanks to MMP.[/QUOTE]

not to be pro MMP, but you are also wrong.

Numerous OTB relief and rotary 3m and 2m jobs for MLL that are going unfilled after multiple job calls and some going open board nationwide. It happens. Sometimes it’s just summer and people want off, sometimes it is the availability of other sailing options, sometimes it is a glut of new jobs at one time like the Watson class being assumed by Patriot in very short order after finally enduring the appeals process. Some it is also the longer voyages (now between 55-70 days to sand box and back on most east coast MMP MLL ships). some guys will quit jobs if they can not get a one trip relief filled (no transportation paid by person requesting VLOA) at their desired port such as CHAS. up to 70 days per voyage ( during which it is nearly impossible if not prohibited by the country itself to go ashore) has made making MLL east coast become a real grind.

They are currently merging with local 333 UMD division.

It’s been thirteen years since I last sailed MM&P, but even back then we occasionally had 3/M and 2/M jobs go open. I even took a few of them and soon figured out why no one wanted those jobs… :wink:

thats not 100% correct
they want to merg but being a member of 333
is this a good idea speaking as a Staten Island ferry deckhand
i say lets look at SIU and other unions like TWU or SEIU

SIU won’t be an ounce better than 333, most likely far worse.

cant be worse at least their is a building to go to not half a flop looking mess

From what I understand, a more apt description would be that the nearly defunct 333 is getting absorbed by MMP. But it hasn’t been voted on by 333 membership yet.

Word I head is a vote in the fall. .

[QUOTE=z-drive;139621]SIU won’t be an ounce better than 333, most likely far worse.[/QUOTE]
What does 333 offer? The SIU has insurance 100% paid by the company, Piney Point facilities for training and upgrades and the part I like best is the pension fund that is 125% funded. There are also options now with a 401K and Money Purchase Plan.

If you check out the MMP Facebook page it looks like it’s pretty much a done deal. Guess the vote is just the final signature needed.


[QUOTE=GLMASailor;139511]A lot of guys also are looking to work 21/21 or 28/28. There are a lot of jobs out there right now. When you have an options to go to the GOM and work even time for really good $, go work OSG tankers for 75/75 or 90/90, or get the latest MMP job aboard Maersk Alabama bouncing around the East coast of Africa and the Middle East for 120 days at a time, it’s pretty easy to say no thanks to MMP.[/QUOTE]

How many deck and engine grads at GLMA this year?

Shit pay, look at the Crowley tugs with SIU compared to 333. Yes there is better pay than 333 out there but I doubt you’ll find it at SIU. I am not supporting 333 in any way here though.

I would be all for a 333/SIU merger but i think SIU fucked them during the strike in the 90s and there’s still bad blood.

[QUOTE=Goirish44;139651]I would be all for a 333/SIU merger but i think SIU fucked them during the strike in the 90s and there’s still bad blood.[/QUOTE]

EVERY Union Fucked 333 during the 1988 Strike. I remember talking to a Dock worked (ILA) and after me bitching about them not supporting us he said that they were told by the High Ups in the ILA to NOT support 333.

The days of one Union supporting another Union during a Strike is over as the all fight for control and in doing that the only winners are the companies and the Union Officials for handing out Sweet Heart Contracts!

[QUOTE=Tugs;139652]EVERY Union Fucked 333 during the 1988 Strike. I remember talking to a Dock worked (ILA) and after me bitching about them not supporting us he said that they were told by the High Ups in the ILA to NOT support 333.

The days of one Union supporting another Union during a Strike is over as the all fight for control and in doing that the only winners are the companies and the Union Officials for handing out Sweet Heart Contracts![/QUOTE]

Its sad honestly.