Merchant mariner = meter maid

There’s a new govt website that I stumbled upon today,, you type in a career/job you have had and it tells you what other jobs you would be qualified for. If you type in merchant mariner 3 of the top 6 suggestions are tree trimmer, meter reader and motion picture projectionist. Is the govt tryin to tell us something?

[QUOTE=breezy;41757]There’s a new govt website that I stumbled upon today,, you type in a career/job you have had and it tells you what other jobs you would be qualified for. If you type in merchant mariner 3 of the top 6 suggestions are tree trimmer, meter reader and motion picture projectionist. Is the govt tryin to tell us something?[/QUOTE]

If it is a .org web site, I doubt very seriously it is a government one. They end in .gov

Says its by the Department of labor

[QUOTE=breezy;41779]Says its by the Department of labor[/QUOTE]

It also says copyright by the State of Minnesota which is doubtful it it was really a web site belonging to the US government.

[QUOTE=breezy;41757]Merchant mariner = meter maid[/QUOTE]

If the dress fits and some sailors do like to dress up. From laborers to politicians just shows how adaptable a seaman really is.