On my master of towing on stcw it says limited to vessels less than 200t. Why is that and how do I fix it
Most likely you were “grandfathered” in for the endorsement. To remove it you would need to complete the “towing” exam module. It’s not too clear but NMC will also probably require a TOAR, unless you already completed one. Another way to remove it is to upgrade your Master to 500 or 1600, and that should remove the tonnage limitation on the Master of Towing. There is a slight disconnect in the regs for this situation as many mariners were grandfathered in during the phase in period of the Towing regs. Now it’s pretty clear how you have to obtain the endorsement, but the NVIC had a flow chart to show how to grandfather someone in, but it didn’t clarify how to remove the tonnage limitation other than the exams.
Does your Domestic Master of Towing have a tonnage limitation?
[QUOTE=dthreatt;124071]On my master of towing on stcw it says limited to vessels less than 200t. Why is that and how do I fix it[/QUOTE]
I am assuming you do not hold mate or master 500 or higher. If so, it is most likely because the only STCW related training and assessment you have done is Basic Safety Training. If so, you would need to do all of the STCW training and assessment for OICNW or Master for vessels 200 GRT/500 GT or more. If you hold (only) Mate or Master of towing vessels, that would raise your tonnage authority to 300 GRT, the maximum that mate or master of towing can serve on on near coastal and oceans routes. If you were to also upgrade to mate or master 500 GRT, your STCW tonnage would increase to that level.
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[QUOTE=AHammond;125265]Most likely you were “grandfathered” in for the endorsement. To remove it you would need to complete the “towing” exam module. [/QUOTE]
The only tonnage limit associated with grandfathering is 100 Tons, based on the maximum tonnage of the license the mariner held in the past. I have never seen a grandfathering based tonnage limit for more than 100 GRT. You are correct on how rto remove that limit from grandfathering, it;s just taking the appropriate Apprentice Mate exam (no TOAR). In the case of a 200 GRT limit, it’s probably the result of how the mariner qualified for STCW.